Monthly Wrap-Up: March (*\o/*)

Mar 29, 2012 10:57

With my last post, I've met my goal of writing 50 fics in March! *\o/* I wrote a total of 31,453 words this month, which pleases me because in all of 2011, I only wrote 59,701 words of fic. *dances* Thank you, everyone who prompted me for a drabble, ficlet, or fic! *smooches flist*

Here be the 50 fics wot I wrote this month (in the order in which they were written):

A Thoroughly Inappropriate Bond (PG-13; Severus, Nymphadora, Eileen; 2067 words): Severus is troubled by a Slytherin bond.

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A Thoroughly Inappropriate Sacrifice (PG-13; Severus, Severus, Daphne, Blaise, Theo, Winky, Irma, others; 2002 words): Severus is troubled by a Slytherin sacrifice.

@Dreamwidth @InsaneJournal @ LiveJournal

A Thoroughly Inappropriate Tale (PG-13; Severus, a princely portrait, Blaise, implied others; 1686 words): Severus is troubled by a Slytherin tale.

@Dreamwidth @InsaneJournal @ LiveJournal

A Thoroughly Inappropriate Separation (NC-17; Severus/Daphne, others implied and otherwise; 1575 words): Severus is troubled by a Slytherin separation.

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A Thoroughly Inappropriate Question (R; Severus/Daphne, others; 1650 words): Severus is troubled by a Slytherin question.

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A Thoroughly Inappropriate Epilogue (PG; the Blake family, others; 1470 words): Severus is troubled by that which one loves more than life and fears more than death or mortal strife, by what the poor have, the rich require, and what the contented do so desire, which is to say, nothing.

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A True Master Needs No Potion (PG-13; Everett!Severus/Daphne, OMC; 600 words): Master Blake punishes an apprentice and receives a reward.

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Family Management (G; the Blake family; 725 words): When troubles come, it's good to be able to share them with family.

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Not Quite as Sweet as Licorice (NC-17; Severus/Regulus; 495 words): Regulus has a sweet mouth.

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Securing the New Defence Professor (PG-13; Snarry; 1221 words): Severus can't stop saving Harry . . . for himself.

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A Slytherin Condition (PG-13; Severus/Hermione; 1529 words): Hermione discovers that, under some conditions, all men are alike.

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Taking Care (PG-13; the Blake family, OMC; 790 words): The members of the Blake family take care of each other in their various ways.

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With the Purest of Intentions (PG-13; Blaise, Millicent; 445 words): Blaise reassures Millicent before an important occasion.

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A Proper Bride (PG; Astoria, Daphne, Madam Malkin; 461 words): No matter what Daphne might think, Astoria knows she's lucky.

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Same Page, Different Book (G; Severus/Hermione; 300 words): Severus and Hermione suffer from a dearth of discussion.

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Raw (PG-13; Everett!Severus/Daphne, others; 495 words): Everett and Daphne are bound by something stronger than death.

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A Proper House-Elf (PG; Poppy, Daphne, Winky; 460 words): Winky assists Daphne with her interest in private wizard doings.

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At Loose Ends (PG-13; the extended Malfoy family, others; 6517 words): Lucius has problems other than nifflers, and no decent male friend with whom to share them.

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A Stunning Objection (PG; Severus, Xenophilius; 100 words): Things aren't going swimmingly.

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A Library Find (NC-17; Pince/Snape; 100 words): There's a price to be paid for mistreating Pince's books.

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A Prickly Meeting (PG-13; Snarry; 100 words): Severus goes looking for tail.

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An End to Take-Away (G; Harry/Ginny; 100 words)

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After the Staff Meeting (PG-13; Hermione/Snape/Luna; 100 words)

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Proof of Loyalty (NC-17; Lucius/Severus; 100 words)

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Learning to Play (PG-13; Snuna; 100 words)

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Floriographical Optimism (G; Lucius/Hermione; 100 words): Lucius rides to victory.

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Catch and Release (Hard R; Severus/Molly, implied Molly/Arthur; 200 words): Severus and Molly take a hands-on approach to stress management.

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A Culinary Approach (PG; Snuna; 100 words)

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More than a Sip (PG-13; Severus/Rosmerta; 100 words): Rosmerta encourages Severus to take more than a sip.

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Good Company (G; Severus/Hermione; 716 words): A chance encounter provides Severus and Hermione with each other's company.

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Domestic Magic (G; Severus/Hermione; 100 words)

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Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes Presents the All New Patented Daydream Charm (PG-13; George, Draco/Neville; 300 words): George develops a new product for a friend.

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Courting Cats (G; Mrs Figg, OFC, OMC, canon half-Kneazles; 200 words): The problem of encouraging cats and dogs to live together isn't too much for male optimism to overcome.

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Welcome Company (PG-13; Snape/Harry/Ron, implied Viktor/Ron; 100 words): Confession is good for the cock.

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An Unexpected Bun (G; Snuna; 100 words)

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The Best Kind of Unexpected (G; Snuna; 100 words): Follows An Unexpected Bun.

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A Quiet Evening (PG; Harry/Luna; 100 words): Some evenings, cuddles trump role play.

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While Picking Berries (G; Rose, Jamie, original centaur foal, Ronan; 200 words): Rose and Jamie have an encounter in the Forbidden Forest.

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After Picking Berries (G; Rose, Ronan; 200 words): Rose returns to the Forbidden Forest. (Follows While Picking Berries.)

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Having Truck with a Muggle (PG; Aberforth, Severus, Tobias; 100 words)

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Unexpected, Full Stop (G; Snuna; 100 words): Luna makes a proposal. (This ficlet follows The Best Kind of Unexpected and is part of the Bun Series.)

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A Duet for Lovers (R; Snarry; 1530 words): It's not always easy learning how to sing together.

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The Gentlemen's Club for Gentle Men (PG-13; Severus, Lucius, implied M/M pairing; 100 words): Membership has its privileges.

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Need (NC-17; Diagon Alley Wall/Hagrid/Diagon Alley Street; 150 words)

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Always True (PG; Ginny, Arthur; 100 words)

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A Mourning Dream (PG; Fred, Hermione, Professor Binns; 100 words): Dreams and violence-often neither make any sense.

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A Fulfilling Encounter (PG; Snarry; 100 words): Severus is pleasantly surprised to discover that Potter has a way with words.

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An Historic Occasion (G; Severus, Minerva, Filius, Pomona, Albus; 300 words): Severus receives an unexpected honour.

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Special Delivery (PG; Snarry, Eileen; 514 words): Severus is persuaded to make a "special delivery."

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Beyond Shuntbumps (PG-13; George/Hermione, Arthur/Molly; 555 words): George and Hermione start playing the game in earnest, much to everyone's satisfaction. (Follows An End to Swivenhodge, which can be found at DW, IJ, and LJ.)

@Dreamwidth @InsaneJournal @ LiveJournal

monthly wrap-up

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