Having Truck with a Muggle (PG; Aberforth, Severus, Tobias; 100 words)

Mar 25, 2012 18:10

soberloki prompted me with Snape, Aberforth: a Muggle encounter.

Having Truck with a Muggle (PG; Aberforth, Severus, Tobias; 100 words)

"Why'd you drag that in here?" demanded Aberforth.

"Please," Severus panted, holding up a badly beaten man, "hide him . . . here. I'll pay . . . you."

"I don't have truck with Muggles."

"But he's . . . my father!"

Aberforth drew his wand and spelled shut the door before turning it on Severus. "How'd he come to be here . . . in that condition?"

"He followed me, and my . . . friends didn't appreciate his . . . trying to make me . . . come home."

"'Friends'-Death Eaters you mean. Go out the front and leave him to me."

"No, I-"

"Lead 'em away. I'll patch him up. Come back for him when it's safe."

tobias snape, aberforth dumbledore, severus snape, drabbles/ficlets

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