Monthly Wrap-Up: September

Oct 01, 2010 09:02

Reading Season (NC-17; Severus/Hermione, others; 27,166 words): Severus and Hermione's budding romance is interrupted by cultists.

@Dreamwidth @InsaneJournal @ LiveJournal

20 Random Facts about the Weasley Family's Ghoul (PG; A. Ghoul, Weasleys; 448 words)

@Dreamwidth @InsaneJournal @ LiveJournal

20 Random Facts about Sacharissa Tugwood (PG-13; Sacharissa Tugwood; 500 words)

@Dreamwidth @InsaneJournal @ LiveJournal

20 Random Facts about Auror Christopher March (PG-13; Original Male Character; 568 words)

@Dreamwidth @InsaneJournal @ LiveJournal

Additional update: So far, eleven entries have been submitted to Round Six of the Harry Potter Random Facts Fest-keep 'em coming!

monthly wrap-up

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