An Instructive Name (G; Snarry; 200 words)

Dec 29, 2008 04:17

I took prompts, and I'll be posting the resultant drabbles as I complete them.

4. cageydragon prompted me with Snarry: Harry's Bane sequel.

An Instructive Name (G; Snarry; 200 words): This is a sequel to Harry's Bane.

Now that his haze of sentimentality had worn off, Severus realised that there was no way that Harry could have known about the magical properties of Hera's Bane artichokes when he'd used them to brew his birthday present. Sipping a glass of cynar next to Harry, who was as comfortable as Severus had been able to make him, given the swell of his belly and his habit of sleeping upon it, Severus found himself overwhelmed by the desire to laugh. He refrained because he didn't wish to wake his husband, who'd been good enough never to let on that becoming pregnant had not been his intention.

Of course, it seemed clear to Severus that he should take steps to prevent Harry from ever brewing again, no matter the happy outcome of his mistake; there was no telling what real damage he might do if left unattended with a cauldron.

They'd been lucky, and Severus felt it deeply; he couldn't wait to see his daughter born, and he was more in love with Harry now than he'd ever been.

That didn't mean, however, that he meant to allow Harry to forget what his carelessness had wrought.

Cynara is a fine name.

harry potter, snarry, 27 december drabbles, severus snape, drabbles/ficlets

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