Service with a Scream (NC-17; Severus/George; 150 words)

Dec 22, 2008 16:18

I took prompts, and I'll be posting the resultant drabbles as I complete them.

2. soberloki prompted me with Severus/George: charge.

Service with a Scream (NC-17; Severus/George; 150 words)

Snape had insisted upon a demonstration of the product, and George had acquiesced to his request-only he hadn't expected his old Potions master to be so thorough, or so adept. Now that he was suspended from the back room's ceiling with a bound, leaking prick and a body thrumming from the knots placed over various pressure points, however, he was certainly not going to protest-even if the git had blindfolded him without asking.

He struggled not to groan as a thick, lubricated thumb pressed into his arse, twisting perfectly before the product replaced it. The spell Snape murmured was new; George tried to remember it as the dildo slithered deeper inside and began to thrust vigorously, but eventually, he gave in and began keening like a girl.

He didn't mind that, either.

"Acceptable," Snape purred, making the word the most erotic sound ever. "How much?"

Panting, George replied, "N-no . . . charge."

severus/george, george weasley, severus snape, 21 december drabbles, drabbles/ficlets

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