800 Friends Drabble: Coaxed Confession, for sinick

Jun 04, 2008 21:09

I took prompts to celebrate my flist's hitting the 800 friends mark, and I'll be posting the results as I complete the drabbles.

18. sinick prompted me with: Marauder-era or just-after-Hogwarts Snape/Lucius.

Coaxed Confession (R; Lucius/Severus; 100 words)

Lucius meant to take things slowly; Severus was seventeen and untouched, and it was so important that his first time be memorable, be sublime enough to cause the boy's total devotion to him in a way that the Malfoy library could not quite achieve. Lucius snorted at the thought and twisted his digit, savouring the moan that escaped Severus' mouth.

Lord Voldemort was interested in the boy, which made Severus much more intriguing to Lucius.

"It's all right to make noise. It will tell me what you like, and that will please me. Don't you want to please me?"

"So much!"

severus/lucius, lucius malfoy, severus snape, 800 friends, drabbles/ficlets

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