800 Friends Drabble: The Root of Control, for composim

May 25, 2008 02:19

I took prompts to celebrate my flist's hitting the 800 friends mark, and I'll be posting the results as I complete the drabbles.

2. composim prompted me with: Oliver/Percy: Happiness.

The Root of Control (NC-17; Oliver/Percy; 100 words)

They don't talk about it; that's the rule, but Percy, who usually enjoys talking, finds happiness on his knees before Oliver, sucking him-to the root.

Getting to the root took practice, control. Control of his mouth, control of his breath and throat-but Percy's never been opposed to practice. And he's learnt that silence has its reward.

Unless humming would work better.

Percy has studied cocks-not other boys' because that would be disloyal-but he's studied books, and he knows what to do.

But it can't all be book-learning, can it be? Which is why Percy is happiest, down on his knees.

percy weasley, oliver wood, oliver/percy, 800 friends, drabbles/ficlets

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