Title: Not Even Love: A One-Sided Conversation in the Near-Lost Tradition of Proper Wizards
Characters: Salazar Slytherin, implied Godric Gryffindor
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1335
Summary: Slytherin takes his leave of Gryffindor.
Disclaimer: This piece is based on characters and situations created and owned by J.K. Rowling; various publishers, including, but not limited to: Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books, Raincoast Books; and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
. . . I could have kept touching him, but I didn't.
I didn't think I could bear to feel his flesh grow cold
under my palm. I'd just had to smooth that unruly lock of
hair out of his eyes before it, before the blood
staining it congealed and his eyes were obscured forever.
What sightless vision he may have should be his, after all: He
earned it.
I left him like that, eyes wide and staring, mouth quirked
into an unfinished smile-as if Death had caught him before he
could fully appreciated what was waiting for him-and his
flesh growing cold.
The warmth of my chambers didn't penetrate my soul
as I returned to them. Odd that this is where I
should have come. Of course, I did build this place-with you,
with the others-and such mighty
dreams I had for it, I-I digress. I was telling you about the
cold, was I not? Yes, I was cold in body
and in spirit-such as people were won't to think
me, I was truly, then-and bereft of all hope, for I
had sent it chasing after some dream or other beyond the Veil.
I sat down in my cloak because I knew that you would be
coming, and I suspected that we might be
leaving again at once, that you might want to see where he fell. There
was no tea waiting for me. How
the elves knew of my treachery I do not know. But they loved him, too.
Do not look so shocked. I am not ignorant of love. You more
than anyone should know that.
Where was I? Ah. You came, wand drawn and bent on revenge in
your fury, threatening me with Dire
Consequences should I not explain All to you. And so I have, to the
best of my ability, though All is too
mighty a topic for one such as I to explain. I haven't the
skill, but in the matter of the boy-
Do stop pestering me! He's dead, and we're
safe. Well, you are safe. I doubt not that I shall live
beyond the hour. Isn't that right, Gryffindor?
You've come to avenge your best friend? your young
hero? your devoted lover?
Mock you? Would I waste my last thoughts mocking you when I
could be speaking of anything? of
him? He was my lover, too. I understood him. I knew why he sought to
kill the Beast-his fractured
soul, the Beast slipped a shard of it into our boy. It was only right
that I should remove it. And you
should have seen his eyes, Godric. You should have seen the way they
lit up with fell power as the
It's not my concern that you refused
him-you should have helped him! You should have been there!
The boy, he was . . . he was strong but untested. He could have used
your help!
You're wrong. You are forever to be wrong. There was
no freeing our boy. Not. From. Fate. His was
to kill the Beast and to die by the hand of his more dutiful
lover-yes! Don't look away. You know I'm
right. You couldn't face his death, but you will face me.
That's better. Heed me. You sent him to fulfil the
prophesy alone. Only I knew what was to be done,
what needed to be done. Only I had the strength of will to do it!
What was that? Be clear, man! I've always despised
your talent for mumbling even in your own
thoughts-and you call yourself a proper wizard.
Oh? You're sorry, are you? No matter, old friend. No
matter-our boy is dead. He did his duty, and
now he grows cold watching the skies over the plain upon which he fell.
No. No, perhaps not. I told you. I don't know what
he saw, just that he was smiling over it. Perhaps he
was dreaming of how best to surprise you with his victory. . . . I know
you loved him. I know your
charms well enough to know that he might have thought he loved you.
Tell me, do you think it fitting, then, that the worthy
pureblood prince who sacrificed himself for our
students should be repaid by the pollution of these stones?
Yes, this again. Yes, for the times are dire, are they not?
More fool I to hope you would ever be made
to see sense! The Muggles will come to our gates one day, and blood
will be spilt in the defense of this
place. Should we waste our time in the training of those whose blood is
too weak to do nought but be
spilt? Could a Mudblood have slain the Beast?
Oh, you are ever the optimist. Godric, Godric, listen to
yourself. Think you that the Beast's fall heralds
the end of all evil? Are you truly so naive? Evil will come again,
perhaps not in so fantastical of form,
but it will come. I say that this unholy admixture of our blood of
which you are the veriest proponent
will cause it. There is an order to the world, and it must be preserved
if we are not to be outbred by
those lower and indiscriminate masses beyond our gates! They are as
cattle, cattle that is unfit to graze
upon our fields. We should destroy them all.
Your sanctimony is unwelcome. It freezes my heart in a way
that your arrogance never has. Leave me
or slay me but, by the gods! do not cast a further frost over my grief
with your idiotic rambling. I'll have
none of it.
It is a weakness to permit a rival to live.
You never saw me as such? Even now, as I best you? I see. So
the thought of my hands roaming over
his flesh, over his desperate, yearning flesh-
Ha! So you do scruple to feel jealousy. That is a weakness,
too, and one that has made you careless.
Oh, do spare me your tears. It is not grief that makes you cry.
Yes, Godric. The boy needed to be killed. I released him as
you could not. I brought him release as
you could not. . . . Say it. Tell me I'm right, and
I'll let you live.
How touching. You would die to go to our boy. But what if you
find that he is waiting for me? I think it
very likely he is-say it! Tell me it was not you whom the boy
Speak to me as wizards do. My ears find your speech hateful.
It is a denial of your gifts. It offends the
There. I am mollified, and I shall not kill you. Our kind has
suffered yet more losses than we can
support in this war, and I did love you, once. But I would not have you
believe that my sparing you is a
mercy. You will live to see the ruination of your polluted dreams, and
at my hand.
Must I explain everything to you, professor? Very well. So
long as you and the others persist in your
education of the unworthy, I shall go my own way. Yes, I shall leave
you to your grand task and
establish my own methods for safeguarding the sacred blood of those
whom the gods have gifted fully. I
have been blessed with wisdom enough to prepare for this day, and
perhaps, when you do not look for
it, I will return to Hogwarts to find it cleansed of the evil you have
permitted to enter it.
Enough! I leave you now and wish you the joy of a broken wand,
a broken bond, and a broken
boy-and I pray it may be warm wherever it is his sight has
led him, that he may not see what you are
making of our world, that he may wait for me, for I fear I will be long
in coming.
True enough, Godric. You may repel my return. But my heir,
nothing will prevent him from doing his
duty-not even love.