Aug 25, 2004 15:14
So it seems to be appropriate that I title this with a phrase from one of the songs of Sean's band. Boy have the last 2 days taken me by storm...
I know that I said I would get out of town without seeing Sean...but that didn't happen. I took him out to dinner last night for a belated bday celebration. Turns out he's not dating anyone, he's cleaned up his act when dealing with all recreational activities, and he's doing well....darn my luck. We had a wonderful evening that ended with me going back to his place with him. STUPID STUPID ME! What was I thinking? I'm getting over things and then I go and get sucked in. We talked about everything that had happened all summer long... lots of misunderstandings...but still we are not getting back together. Neither of us can do a long distance relationship. The whole evening just ended up being very sad for me, especially when he walked me halfway to my car and said that he probably wouldn't talk to me for a long time. It only makes sense though, after everything that happened last night, he's going to have to get over me all over again. I kept my composure with all that quite well. Though it did shake me a little, I'm still not broken, and happy being single. Its just so hard to be completely cut off from someone you click with so well and thats what's happened to "us". Oh well, I leave for IU tomorrow, and my fabulous roommate is making an early appearance too which will for sure mean fun times for all! I will miss everyone here terribly. Ashley is working all day, so I'm not even sure I'll see her before I leave... let alone talk to Ok well back to packing!