Aug 03, 2005 17:20
My goodness, I haven't updated this thing in forever! Things have been so busy, but in a good way! Last week, my story about war letters and the tattoo piece ran - both of which are some of my favorites thus far. I LOVED writing the tattoo story.
Now I'm working on a feature about ballroom dancing and its revival, thanks to the reality dancing shows and movies like Mad Hot Ballroom. I've been to a few ballroom dancing classes in Phoenix and they were so much fun! I didn't dance because we had photographers there but now I want to, it looks like so much fun!!
Anyway, other very very very big news! I'm still in the job search, but Jeremy has gotten a real job here in Phoenix! The other job he had earlier in the summer was temp and didn't really work out (it was with a tiny real training.) But this one is with the largest environmental laboratory worldwide, which is amazing. It's a real job and he'll be doing a lot of chemistry. My dad is loving this. haha.
He was thinking of telling the company that he may be leaving, because I could get a job somewhere else, but we've decided that this opportunity is too good for him to pass up. It's perfect!
Yes yes! So me? Welllll... As of now, there aren't really openings in features, but there may be some openings in one of the AZ Republic bureaus in Northwest Phoenix, which would be amazing. Two of my really good friends will be working there (news interns). I know things will work out, but it's great to know we will be staying here for awhile. I LOVE Phoenix. It's so gorgeous here. And in October, the weather will really pay off! :)
I shall keep this up to date when I find out about any jobs.
Oh the real world, you are so silly! :-P
ANDDDDD, happy birthday to Mel and Holly T!!