Sep 05, 2007 11:20
I woke up this morning and I knew, I just knew that today was gonna be one of the worst days of my life. Why? Because I had a massive headache from HELL. Its probably my sinuses because every time my mucous began to collect my left side would start hurting like a motherfucking bitch. I'd go blow my nose and it would relieve the pressure a bit I suppose. Anyhoo, I guess what started the day of hellish horror was the phone, whenever I get woken up by the phone in the morning when David's not living with us is a very very bad thing. Guess who it was? That wonderfull(note the sarcasm)brother of mine. Here is what I believe he told our wonderful mother: 'oh noes mommy! I'm homeless again please take me back so the mean homeless people won't devour my soul!' She almost said yes but luckily I was there and I told her hell no. Take him back and my ass will be GONE! So she told him no and go find another place to live! So I rejoiced and then I proceeded to throw up 'cause the sun is waaaaay to fucking bright in the morning.
Just in case this day gets worse I FUCKING LOVE YOU ALL!
Peace my bitches!
Much love,
Sarah-chan ^_~
Edit: Ok. After I got done posting this I went to go get some ice cream 'cause it always soothes my upset stomach.( I know its weird) Anyways I go to get a spoon and they're all in the sink. So I have to get ice cream out of the container, into the bowl, and then eat it with a fucking FORK! *facepalm* Stupid Jamie. I'm not washing his fucking dishes! I am not his damn maid! He's almost 30 for God's sake! CLEAN UP YOUR OWN FRICKIN' MESS!
Pleace excuse the dropping of the f-bombs. Frankly, I don't give a rat's ass this morning....or uhhhh ever. HAVE A NICE DAY!
edit edit: This is the best fucking ice cream EVER! mmmm peanut butter tracks!
edit edit edit: Ok this is the last time I swear. I go to my brother's bathroom and there's a Christmas candle sitting on the back of the toliet thing. I was like WTF? Its September! Its a little too early for Christmas now don't cha think?
and the world keeps on turnin'