Title: Searchlight: Prologue, Chapter 1
Summary: Echizen Ryoma doesn't only fall from grace, he crashes and burns right into Ryuzaki Sakuno's normal, happy life. Now, without tennis, Ryoma struggles to find himself again. And realizes in the process, that maybe he can find something much more. (RyoSaku, Canon-AU)
Rating: K+
Notes: More notes under the cut. WC #47: 13. Snap
She wondered how it was possible that everything was different now, when looking at him didn’t show her a Ryoma different from the one she had watched since her first year of junior high. Aside from his longer hair, he looked like the old Ryoma she used to like, and the Ryoma she still admired. But she didn't miss it, that slight limp when he walked through their door, and back into her life.