Title:When Forever Ends
Summary:Because there is no such thing as forever [Nicko/Snorri]
Notes:Written for the 36th
IU_fanfiction challenge. Prompt used is Break it to me gently. Inspired by a Stars song that I think is perfect for the Nicko/Snorri. Set during Darke. Angie Sage, I love you a whole lot, but really, thanks a lot for breaking my OTP.
I'm not sorry I met you
I'm not sorry it's over
I'm not sorry there's nothing to save
----Stars, Your Ex-lover is Dead
She can’t feel it.
She stares at Nicko and finds that she feels nothing. His presence no longer gives her an exhilarating wave of happiness nor does his smile bring the butterflies in her stomach to a frenzy. Even his touch feels so cold and distant. A touch of a stranger.
Snorri can’t exactly remember when the feelings have started to go away, she just woke up one day and find them gone. And she can’t get them back, even if she wills herself to do so. It just doesn’t work that way.
Nicko meets her eyes. He says nothing but even in his silence he manages to give his message across clearly for her to understand. They’ve been together for so long (500 years long; it feels like an eternity) ,sometimes they don’t even need words to talk. Nicko knows what she wants just as she understands what Nicko needs.
And they both agree it isn’t each other.
Not now.
Not anymore.
She tells him that she’s leaving the next day. Silence envelopes them for a moment. Then, Snorri moves to give Nicko a hug, quite possibly the last one she’ll ever give him.
“I’ll miss you.” It isn’t a lie.
“I’ll miss you too,Snorri,” he whispers.
A sudden wave of nostalgia washes over Snorri as Nicko holds her tight. And then, it’s gone like a breeze that has just quickly passed by. She gently pushes him away. “I better go. I have to help Mama prepare for our trip.”
“Rest well. I‘ll be there to see you off.”
She smiles at him. “You better.”
Turning her back on him, she begins to walk away. She waits if Nicko will shout her name,to tell her not to leave, to convince her that the best place in the world is by his side. The distance between them goes wider and wider.
Nicko doesn’t call her back.
And for the first time, Snorri is glad he didn’t.