itzSunday.. now what?

Nov 29, 2009 13:28

An itzWicks Travel Advisory: I am heading back to Fayetteville, NC this Thursday for a brief weekend hashing jaunt. Anyone in the region wishing to do a meet-up is welcome to shoot me an email to see if something can be set up. ;-)


The Far Left (Democrats and otherwise) have no interest in helping the GOP return or retain majorities in any elected government, so to pay any attention to their loudest voices would be foolish.

The Conservatives (Republican, Libertarian, Independents, and otherwise) don’t have to agree on any all-or-nothing set of values as they should know that it is a ploy to keep them from getting organized into any effective voting bloc capable of stopping the schemes of their political rivals.

It is not enough to just vote against something. You have to be able to articulate the opposing view as to convey true understanding, so that you can then refute it with your own alternatives. Facts (not made up and from commonly agreed legitimate sources) will assist in the process, along with terms and definitions that aren't subject to differing interpretations.

From this time forward, participation in ALL future elections are no longer optional for lovers of liberty and freedom. Anyone right-of-center thinking voter had better be proactive in educating their families, friends, and neighbors on the ideas of conservatism, getting involved in the democratic process at ALL levels of government, and holding accountable any elected official who would willingly attempt to short circuit or do an end run around the Constitution for the sake of growing government and reducing liberty.

Enjoy the reigns of power while you can, elected Liberals and squishy Republicans.

Enough said.


TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN DEPT.: When was the last time you mailed someone a Thank You card for an act of kindness done unto you? I'm not talking about emailing an eCard, nor making a phone call. I'm referring to YOU breaking out an envelope, a stamp, and some sort of card and/or note, and crafting a message of thanks or appreciation to another party (be it in the next room or across the country)?

Would it hurt you to do that? The local dollar store has such items to outfit you with the basics for less than $3.00. The last time I checked, the US Postal System has yet to mail a simple piece of mail over the cost of fifty cents.

It is amazing how such a simple gesture is worth so much to the people who are recipients who open up their respective mailboxes and receive said correspondences. Never underestimate the power and impact of the physical Thank You note. It lasts far longer than one might think.

And nope, this is not aimed at any specific individual on my FList. This is just a timely holiday reminder for all of us who happen to be at the receiving end of acts of generosity and kindness sent from the various directions. I've had a lot of senior moments as of late, so when I read this post x-amount of months or years from now, I won't forget to take up my own words of wisdom.

If you wish to be added to my snail mail database, just shoot me an email with your physical address (I don't care how far away it is from Southwest Oklahoma). I want to be able to convey to any and all of my friends of my sincere appreciation of their continued presence in my life, as well as the things they do to randomly enrich it.


ONE MORE THING I MISS ABOUT.. ..the Pacific Northwest: Chocolate Raspberry coffee creamer being available at the local grocery store. Yum.

..the Northeast: the seasonal changing of colors in autumn. Truly breathtaking.

..the Southeast: the unbelievably mild weather outside of hurricane season in the fall. I just love the tee shirt weather in December. duty in the Army: the swapping of war stories in the middle of a field training exercise (FTX) while everything else is going RIGHT for a change. at home as a teenager: somebody else being responsible for paying the bills.

..high school: interacting with some of the best friends in the world. For me, that was over a quarter century ago, but I still remember it like it was yesterday.


GET YER MOTIVATION ON: There is something to be said about sharing too much.


YouTubery Video Highlights: Gorillaz - Latin Simone | Duran Duran - Rio | Men at Work - Who Can It Be Now


The itzWicks Wayback Machine: A Night Cap from September 25, 2006


I didn't do a whole lot of shopping on Black Friday as it was a workday for me, but I *did* score a 1.5 terra-byte external hard drive for under a hundred bucks, so bonus for me and my digital data.

No matter where the holidays find you this season, I hope you all continue to live like you mean it! ;-)

wayback, humor, sunday, politics, life coach, you tubery

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