OMG. Yuugi in a log? NO WAI.

Jun 10, 2007 22:16

Well, still waiting on the Kaiba to be accepted, but it's a start. XD No one else can see, lalalalalala.

Who: Yuugi/Yami no Yuugi and Kaiba
When: Last night and this evening.
Where: Kaiba Corp. Office Building.
Why: Because Edo demanded we log? XD;
Notes: Uh... we were bored, I suppose? And it's like rusty because we both need to put Yuugiou back into our brains. XD


Yuugi trudged his way to Kaiba's. He had quickly read over the comment war his rival and his darker half had created and was ready to just knock their two heads together. It was ridiculous. Yami was just stubborn and Kaiba was just a jerk. He wished Kaiba could be nicer though... he'd love to make friends with him, closer in fact, since he already thought of them as comrades to begin with. The small boy sighed and looked up to the sky. It was going to be a rainy day, wasn't it? Figuratively, of course.

Meanwhile, Kaiba got up from his desk and turned his computer off. With his business done for the day and the internet proving itself to be quite boring he had nothing to do with it. So, off it went. He called to a servant to bring in some drinks, for he was certain Yuugi might be thirsty after his treck over there. Perhaps when he wasn't looking he could sneak a little...No, no. There was no game, nothing to cheat at. Just a friendly visit...Sort of. Sighing, he stepped over to his recliner and plopped himself down in it. It wouldn't be much longer 'til the boy showed.

Oh good. He was almost there. Yuugi could see the metal KC logo attached the side of the tall office building right down the street. Why had Yami made him come out, anyway? Why did he have to suffer the walk? But the spirit wouldn't explain and basically just blocked off their mind connection. Stupid alter egos. He soon found himself at the great gates of Kaiba's "world" and pushed the button to ring the bell.

A smirk tugged at Kaiba's lips when the buzzer sounded. "Enter," he said when he pressed the button to allow Yuugi entrance. There were times he greatly appreciated the girth security, but then there were others, such as the moment at hand, he felt it was quite bothersome. Normal, poorer people could just knock on a door but not here, no, it wasn't quite so simple.

The doors creaked and shook as they opened. 'Wow,' Yuugi thought. 'Kaiba doesn't get many visitors, does he?' He walked several more yards and finally was facing the front door. He reached up to knock, but the door automatically opened for him already, letting out a loud creaking noise. '... Okay, it's not really funny anymore.'

One of his lackeys alerted Seto that Yuugi had entered the building and was being sent up to meet him. Therefore, he, Kaiba, should be prepared. He was always prepared of course, though the deck of cards was just out for show. It had been a long, tiresome day and the last thing he wanted to do was plot out battle strategies.

As Yuugi followed one of Kaiba's servants to where the CEO was residing, he tried tapping at the mind link once more and no response. What was Yami's deal? He brought this one and yes made him deal with it? Something was fishy. He soon entered the room Kaiba was located in and thanked the butler-maid...thing as they left. Yeah... that person was odd. And pervy.

"Hello Yuugi," Kaiba said with a sly grin, knowing he could not be seen due to the fact the back of the chair was facing the entrance. He slid an arm out and waved his hand to beckon him in all the way. "Come, have a drink, relax."

Yuugi scrunched his face in confusion. Kaiba? Nice? Did the world explode after he entered the building? Yuugi timidly walked toward Kaiba and sat down in the chair on the other side of the desk. "I thought we were... going to have a "friendly" card game?"

"I thought so too..." Kaiba said softly, before spinning around to look at him. "But I've just had such a busy day....I'm way too tired...Besides, I already have the satisfaction of knowing I would've beaten you anyway."

Yuugi stiffened. But he'd be nice, like he always is, and just let Kaiba dream for a bit. "Well, then I guess I can just take my leave then. Grandpa expects me back early."

"No," Kaiba shook his head, the smug smirk still played his fine features. "You came all this way, surely you'd like to rest your feet for a moment?"

Yuugi rose an eyebrow. 'What's he getting at?' he wondered. "I guess I could... stay for a little while." He settled back in the chair and glanced about the area. Looking directly into Kaiba's eyes was asking for trouble.

"Would you like a drink?" Seto offered, picking up a can of an un-named soda and slid it across to him.

"....... What exactly IS this, Kaiba?" Yuugi asked, staring at the can in distrust. Yes, and he had every right to not have faith in Kaiba. The guy had screwed them over on many occasions, yet saved them a few times too. 'Probably only because Mokuba whined for him to,' Yuugi thought.

"It's soda, what's it look like?" Kaiba raised a brow. 'Could this kid be any dumber?'

A sudden flash emitted from the boys chest and there sat a more older-looking version. "Is this a drinking contest?"

'Dumbass' Seto thought as he rolled his eyes at him. "If you want it to be...I guess..." He reached behind him to grab a can for himself.

Yami chuckled. "I was joking." He opened the can quickly, not exactly realizing how thirsty he was. Then again, he did make Yuugi walk all the way here, then took back over, so he was feeling what Yuugi had experienced. 'Payback, I guess.' "So Kaiba. I hear we're not dueling. I know you'd be embarrassed since you'd lose to a monkey in a game of Gold Fish, but come on."

"That's not so," Kaiba shook his head, smirking as he popped his own can and took a sip. "Unlike you, I have a busy life and don't always feel up to playing silly card games all day. You'd know this if you ever did anything with your life."

"I used to rule a country, and trust me, your silly technology couldn't compare with the work I had to do," Yami stated, taking a drink. He was a king, a Pharaoh. How come no one ever treated him like one?

"Used to," Kaiba emphasized, downing another bit of his beverage. "Not anymore."

"Oh, so you're actually starting to believe me now? That isn't like you. Or have you come to your senses finally?" Yami took another gulp. Honestly, teasing Kaiba had gotten quite old. He was bored.

"Nah, just pointing out what a loser you are," Seto allowed himself to grin for a moment before hiding it with the back of his hand when he wiped his face. Tormenting the brat never got old.

'I have a feeling he still thinks me and Aibou are the same person. What an idiot. I am growing tired of this game.' "Say Kaiba. This idle chitchat is going nowhere. Perhaps if we talk a stroll around the place. Sitting doesn't do much for me nowadays."

"Alright," Kaiba agreed, setting his drink down so he could stand up. "It's late, so there isn't much around. Though I guess that wouldn't be much of a problem for you, would it?"

Yami shrugged. "I could care less. You're boring. Let's see what I can make you do."

"What?" Kaiba made a face as he opened the door for them to step out into he hall. "You're not making me do anything."

"I know for a fact I've made you flustered on many occasions, and even Yuugi had done more than that. Wouldn't you rather like to see him than me?"

"Liar," Kaiba snapped automatically, choosing to not believe him. Though it did catch him off guard, and his face clearly showed it. "You're still just upset because I can top you in anything. Quit trying to make yourself seem big, you pathetic excuse for a human being."

Yami smirked inward. "I knew it. And technically, I'm not human, you idiot. I'm a spirit that happens to possess the boy known as the "King of Games", though I am the one who is the cause of his many winnings. Now, be honest with me Kaiba. Do you have interests in my partner?"

"No," Kaiba said rather flatly, not looking at him. "Of course not." And he really didn't...or did he? He really wasn't sure, and he hated behind unsure of himself. It showed weakness, and he knew he wasn't weak at all, he couldn’t be.

The ancient Pharaoh grinned. "And there you are, getting flustered again. Okay, I lied. Picking on you is fun. At least I'm not bored anymore. And told you I could make you do things."

Scowling, Kaiba grabbed the other boy harshly by the shoulder and turned on his hell, pinning him hard against the wall. "You don't make me do anything, you hear me? IF anyone's causing anyone to do anything around here it's me to you, got that, brat?"

Yami just closed his eyes. He had powers beyond Kaiba's not-so-wild imagination. "You better let go of me if you know what's good for you."

"No," Kaiba said firmly, leering down at him. "What's the matter? Admitting that I can best you? Are you afraid, you little punk?"

Yami snorted. "ME? Afraid of YOU? Don't flatter yourself, buddy." But the spirit had to test his theory. If anyone, Kaiba always seems to be more "gentle" toward Yuugi. He concentrated and pushed Yuugi back out into the open. Of course, Yami had blocked the sensories, so Yuugi had no clue to what was going on. "K-kaiba...?!"

"So you are afraid." A smirk played across Kaiba's lips and he chuckled softly. "Admit it, I'm more powerful than you. You'll feel better."

Yuugi, wasn't afraid, per sey; just confused. "Wait, Kaiba. What did he say to you? I have no idea what's going on, and..." Yuugi shuddered a bit, trying to prod Yami through the link. /What did you do?/ //I did nothing, Yuugi.// /LIAR!/ //Why does everyone keep calling me that?// /Because you are one! Explain what's going on!/ //Sorry, little one. You're on your own./ And then it was blocked again. Yuugi was definitely annoyed at this point.

"Got a bit too cocky for his own good," Kaiba said with a brief glare, then grinned wickedly at him. "I don't like it when people get like that with me. Then I have to show them just who is in charge here."

Yuugi felt quite uncomfortable at this point. Kaiba's grip was getting tighter to the point of hurting. And Yami wasn't helping him at all! What was the deal?! "Kaiba, wait!"

"What?" Kaiba frowned, loosening his grip and leaning back slightly.

"I'm sorry for whatever the other me said to you. He's rude around people he doesn't like, I'm aware," Yuugi spoke softly, his head looking downward.

So sweet...And innocent...Kaiba was taken aback for a moment, but only a moment. Then his expression turned serious again. "Quit messing with me," he said in a low tone. "I don't like it."

"But I'm not! I'm being sincere," Yuugi said, confidently. "You know I'm not a jerk, or at least try to believe I'm one, though in this case, you're the one in the wrong! You invite me here, and this is how you treat your guests? No wonder your gate is in need of oil!" Wow, he surprised himself. When WAS the last time he gave Kaiba one of his infamous speeches?

"I'm not- You're-I," Kaiba stammered, biting his lip and giving him the best death-glare eh could. "Cut it out! Just shut up! Your whining won't make me tolerate your existence any more!"

"Stop what? I'm not doing anything, Kaiba," Yuugi said, giving the extremely taller a boy a weird look. Yuugi sometimes did not know the effect he had on people.

"Yes you are!" Kaiba growled, pinning him even more so against the wall, wedging his knee between his legs to keep him in one place. "You're trying to confuse me and make me look weak! Well, it's not going to happen you little brat!"

Yuugi twitched a bit. Kaiba's knee was near a very sensitive place. "Ah, you're hurting me--" Yuugi trembled a bit. He could beat Kaiba at card games, but physically, he was outmatched and he knew it.

"Admit it," Kaiba said firmly, peering into his eyes with an icy glare. "Admit that I'm better than you, stronger than you, and all out far more superior."

"No. I still have my pride Kaiba. In body strength, I'll admit you out me, but mentally, I can counterattack." Yuugi struggled a bit. "Let me go, Kaiba."

"We'll see how long your defiance lasts," the older teen sneered, taking a moment to glance the boy up and down. He really was a pathetic little twerp. It was hardly believable he could be such a mastermind when it came to the card game. Without even breaking a sweat Seto could've easily snapped his neck and killed him, and he knew it. "I won't let you go until you admit you're outmatched and will get to your knees so you can kiss the ground I walk upon."

Yuugi stiffened as angry tears boiled in his eyes. He continued to look down. Kaiba would mistake them for moisture of fear, but that certainly wasn't the case. "I'll never do that." With one swift movement, he kicked Kaiba in the shin, hoping it would've counted for something. If not, he would force Yami back out. It was his doing after all.

"Ow!" Kaiba winced, stumbling back a bit. "What was that for?!"

"You're being a complete jerk, you moron!" Yuugi wasn't going to take this kind of crap anymore. "What's your problem?!"

"What's YOUR problem?" Kaiba retorted, glaring at him, as he rubbed his injured shin.

"....... You've got to be kidding. Are you bipolar or something?"

"No!" Kaiba snapped, leering at him, also looking about ready to slam him back against the wall again. "If anyone is bipolar it's you!"

"You are such a stubborn man. You know what? I'm going home. I've obviously outstayed my five-minute welcome." With that statement, Yuugi turned and started trudging down the hallway in silent annoyance, remembering the path he had followed the KC employee, only backwards.

"Fine!" Kaiba shouted after him. "Go! See if I care! You pathetic little twerp!" Grumbling, he turned and punched the wall...hard. Why was he so angry? What did he want from him?

Yuugi stopped a little ways. He wanted to get out of their badly, but all that ruckus that just transpired made his short-term memory go blank and he had no idea where to go from that point. The last thing he wanted was to be lost. "Um... Kaiba?"

"What?" Kaiba turned his head to snap at him. "IF you're going to go then just go!"

Yuugi felt a blush coming on. "I... don't know where to go from this point."

"...." Kaiba gave him the most dumbfounded look ever. "Go down the hall to the elevator, bottom floor, take a left, go straight, then take a right, go straight and there's the door. "

Yuugi huffed. Well of course Kaiba would have it programmed into his memory like a robot; he freakin' worked here! "Uh... thanks." The shorter boy looked down again and repeated Kaiba's directions over and over in his mind as he walked. "Goodbye..." he mumbled.

"..." Kaiba silently huffed for a moment, looking down at the floor as his forehead rested against the cold hard wall. "....Bye."


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