[EDIT] WHOA. so, my brother's band has a website. i didn't even know they had a name for the band. but apparently they do. and then i'm looking around the website and there was a link to small impact, hahahahahaha. i was like 'brian, what the fuck?' he's all 'i don't know...i like them.' anywho, go check out their site? it's nothing special, at all...i'm actually thinking of maybe doing it for them.
all of the above. [/EDIT]
whoa, i'm bored. at 6, i decided to take a short nap. i woke up at 9:20, haha. i had an extremely odd dream. i dreamt that i took a nap at 7 and didn't wake up until the next afternoon, which was what triggered me to wake up in real life. angela and amanda were in my dream. then i had a dream that my turtle and an orangatang that was in a shell like a hermit crab [same size as a crab, too] were crawling on a table in my living room, but it wasn't really my living room. then my parents and i went to go look at german shepard puppies. all of this was connected, too...it just flowed from one part to the next. odd, lol.
mmm, i love end of season sales. i bought myself a $70 pair of jeans in express for $30. i have to take them back, though. i failed to notice before i bought them that they were straight leg. bahaha. i put them on and felt like i was flashing back to the 80's. i got two really cute shirts in express, too...same one, different colors. and a choker. i bought a shirt in american eagle, a denim jacket in gap, and i got the red cropped pants! woohoo. i heart them beyond words. they're so effin' adorable and perfect and red, lol. went to borders, too. i was there last night and saw this '8 minutes in the morning' workout thing in the health/nutrition section and thought to myself 'yeah, working out for 8 minutes and getting results, mmmhmm' and walked right by it. i was watching cnn this morning and they had this huge interview with the guy [jorge cruise] who designed the plan on and interviews with handfuls of people who lost all of this weight by following his program. so, i figured, it's only $20, and went back and bought it. i'm going to read all of it and watch the dvd tomorrow and start it on monday. you're guaranteed to lose 2 pounds a week, sometimes more. not bad, not bad at all. i think i might do the sacred heart diet starting tomorrow. i don't know, though. i don't think my parents would go for the whole 'kristen's only eating a bowl of soup and a piece of fruit a day' deal. and i need to get flax oil pills. oooh yeah, i got new barbells, too. the bar part is white and flexible and nifty looking, so i 'needed' it, lol.
i got a very special phone call today...:) <3 i got to talk to three of my absolute favorite people in the world, lots of catching up. the baby said hi to me. among other things, lol. thankyouuu girls for thinking of doing that! it meant A LOT to me. very much appreciated. <3
bah, i'm getting sick. i can't swallow. my throat feels like someone is cutting it up with glass. extremely sharp pain [only on the right side, though] when i swallow and it's all swollen. back to the doctor's i go.