My life sucks

Jul 17, 2010 12:40

Ok so yesterday I went with some of my friends to the center of Puebla.
So I was invited by my ex.. and I was like "well why not? I'm bored anyways.." so yeah i decided to go :].. so my mom was driving me to my friend's restaurant... and she was really pissed because she had lots of things to do rather than driving me someplace, so she was yelling at me and I started to cry because she got like REALLY MAD and when I was sobbing my mom yelled more!! yeah when I got to the my friend's restaurant I was like OH HELLO EVERYONE... and everyone was like hi and looking at me like "wtf is she doing here?" and yes I felt really uncomfortable.. so my friend Jessica (the owner of the place) asked me if I was hungry.. and for the first time in my life I wasn't all because my mom yelled and my 'friends' were like wishing i was not there... and I wished I wasn't too. So yeah there were like five of us waiting for the rest to arrive... but they were late so Jess called them and told them to go to the restaurant.. and they told her they were at the Zocalo.. that the place to meet was there.. not at the restaurant... so yeah the rest arrived and only the guys were nice with me... all the girls were like "fuck you, we don't want you here" ... and I was glad that at least the guys talked to me but I still felt sad.

So yeah I ate something.. and when everybody was ready we left to take a look a the fair of the Carmen.. so I don't like being surrounded by many many manyyyy people.. especially if I'm not a good oriented person.. and yes I get lost easily... more at the center.. so yeah I asked JC (my ex) if I could take his arm (he was the only one that talked to me more than the others.. so believe me or not.. I felt more comfortable being with him.. and that's hard guys.. really hard)So he said yes it was ok. Now i felt more secure in someway.. but sometimes I let him go and I was left behind and I was like FUCK wait!! and run to him again.. so yeah we saw lots of things at the fair.. I wanted chalupas (DELICIOUS MEXICAN FOOD if you come to Puebla try themm they are so delicious!) but I thought "mm maybe later when we come back to the restaurant" so yeah we kept walking and I saw these cookies that look like tiny hotcakes I DON'T REMEMBER THEIR NAME but they are awesome too, so I thought again "when we get back" so we kept walking.. besides if I decided to buy them at that time I could have been left behind.. so yeah.

So finally we end with the fair and went to some library .. and it was 6 pm already so I wanted to go home.. but I needed to take a bus ..and I haven't been in a bus all by myself so I asked JC if he could go home with me and he said yes.. but when I told him I have to be home at 7 he said .. uhm.. well I'll take you to the place where you can take the bus.. and I was like WTF! and I told him "but you said you'll go with me" .. and he was rude all of a sudden.. so yeah I wanted to die at that moment.. so he called his parents and he said we can ride you home .. ask your mom .. so I called he talked with her and it was all set.. I would go home with him at the time he wanted to go.. and there I was again.. all by myself.. so everybody were looking for books and I just waited.. and it started to rain.. just a little and we decided to go back to the restaurant so we were walking. A friend offer me his jacket but I said no that I was ok.. and suddenly the it started to rain harder.. and we all were like FUUUUCK so we went to a store and waited there.. and everybody was arguing that it was already raining and everything and I thought "mm maybe it'll stop raining.. or at least cease a little..

So yeah it ceased and we were like "ready to run?" and it rain hard again! so we waited more.. and it ceased again and we ran!! so yeah here's the scene.. we were running and we needed to cross the street and some did but me, jc and 2 more of my "friends" (yes idk if they are or they hate me.. so yeah) couldn't, so we waited and then it started to rain fucking hard again! and I was like "holy shit!!!" so yeah finally the red light was on and we crossed.. "run run run" JC was yelling and I was right behind him so the fair was just a few meters right in front of us and I was like OMG OMG OMG. We finally made it .. got into the fair.. but it was so fuckin USELESS people were hiding from the rain there too at the stands.. but that's not what sucks the most... I mean the restaurant was so far away! like 4 streets more... and what's worse.. my glasses were all wet! and I couldn't see anything! and if I take 'em off .. I don't see NEITHER!! so yeah.. I was panicking.. and JC said "take my hand I'll be your eyes" so I did and we ran again.. to other stands.. that were a street away!!! so when we got there I was all wet!!! and right there at that stand.. the roof made of 'sail-cloth' (uhm idk if that's correct its LONA in spanish..) moved and the water that was up there began to fall and it all went down to my back and I was like FUCK MY LIFE! .. then someone passed selling rain coats and I bought one.. yes I know you're thinking BUT YOU WERE WET ALREADY.. yes but I was not wet as if I had fallen to a pool.. so the rain coat helped to keep it that way.. and my friends did the same.. so now we walked to the restaurant instead of running .. thanks to the lady with the rain coats! I love that lady..

So when we got to the restaurant.. and believe me or not.. IT FUCKING STOPPED RAINING! FUCK MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. so we were inside.. wet.. cold.. and me thinking "FUCK IT I could be at home having a coffee or something watching a movie.. all dry! and hot! fuck fuck fuck Why I decided to stay?? I should have gone home all by myself.." but yeah I tried to see the funny side of these.. and I did.. but then JC began to be rude with me again.. we were at the restaurant like 2 hours.. all wet and cold!.. and I asked him If we could go for some cookies I saw at the fair.. I said "It's not raining anymore we could go, buy them, and come back :] would you go with me?" and he said "agh.. I don't want to.. I'll take you some other day.." and yes I was sad.. because I wanted the hot cookies.. and I thought I can ask for something hot here at the restaurant.. but I had only like 25 pesos and the only hot thing I could afford there was a cup of coffee.. but I decided to save the money.. and asked JC again if he would go with me to buy the cookies.. I mean the stand where I saw them were just 1 street far away from the restaurant.. and he rudely said "no" .. and I didn't say anything.. so I kept quiet.. and then Jessica's Mom offered some coffee and I asked for one.. so I sat down with her.. and JC was next to me... so I talked with him and said "i hate you.. I would be at home right now.. dried.. if you were a gentlemen.." and he giggled.. WTF DUDE!.. 2 friends went to the store.. and I said "oh I should have gone with them" and jess asked me why.. and I said "I asked JC to go with me for some cookies and he said no.." and she rudely said "Well so what if he didn't want to go?!" .. yes I felt like dying.. .. then I asked him if he could ask his parents to lend me some clothes.. and he did.. so yeah we waited the 2 hours for his parents to arrive.. then they called him .. and we went outside.. I was freezing! and he was still acting rude so I told him "why you didn't drive me home early? you said you would! I'm freezing.. I'm a coward! I should have taken the bus and go home by myself! now I'm here wet and you being and asshole with me! you said we would be friends and guess what NOW I DON'T EVEN RECOGNIZE YOU! you were a gentlemen! and today you were such a jerk! I HATE YOU!" and I started crying.. so his parents finally appeared.. and we went inside the car.. there was jus his father and his brother.. so they told us "there are some clothes and towels mom send them" and I said thank you.. and JC took out a hoodie.. so I put it on.. but i was freezing and he said "take off you shirt inside the hoodie.." so I did.. but I still felt like freezing .. my legs were so freaking cold!... so i put a towel on my pants .. and while they were driving me home I cried in silence.. and JC took my hand.. I shook it off.. I was staring through the window and crying... and he poke me, shook me, took my hand more than once to have my attention but I didn't look at him.. all I wanted was to get home and take a hot bath.. we were just a few miles from my home and he whisper "next time i won't be a jerk.." and all I thought was "there won't be a next time"... and I promise.. the next time I get invited by him to go somewhere.. I won't go..

So I got home.. took a hot bath... put on my pajamas... and I cried! I felt so horrible! I needed someone to talk to!.. and there was no one online.. no one I can trust! ... and I was feeling so crappy so shitty! ... and suddenly the guy I've been dating with the last 2 weeks appeared and talked with me.. I told him that my day sucked.. so I felt relieved.. and idk how he made me smile.. and he made me laugh.. but I still feel right now like hell.. :( ..

feeling crappy shitty sad my life sucks

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