Sep 30, 2006 21:54
so today i was helping my mom move out of her apartment and into her new one.....and while i held a large trash bag, she started putting trash in there, until something caught my eye- a whole load of cassettes that my mom was just about to throw away. i thought my mom didnt know she was doing so, cause they were probably her favorite cassetes growing up in her generation- simon and garfunkel, some classical music, and other pop music. i stopped her, and told her this, but she gave me a sad smile and continued on with throwing them away, but i noticed she was doing it with some hesitance- she was looking at it wtih the saddest face i've ever seen....thne when she turned away, i grabbed one of them at random and put it in my pocket. i dont know why i did it, or what made me do it. and i dont know what made my mom do that either. was it because she was letting go of her past? (but wasnt it the music that kept her spirits up?) was she finally accepting the fact that she was no longer young and was now growing old? who for me, after thinking about it, i realized why i grabbed a cassete- a longing for the past, a longing for the simpler times with no iPods, just cassete players and walkmans.....a time where you didnt care about politics, where george washington and honest abe were the only presidents you knew.....a time where it didnt matter what you wore, who you hung out wtih, you were still YOU and didnt have to hide behind a mask that everyone created for you, and expected you to live in.....for some reason, i felt that that tape was the last connection i had wtih that world- and fittingly, when i got home later and looked at what cassete i had chosen, it was andrea boccelli- the main song being "time to say goodbye"- this was the very last tape i remember listening to where all 4 members of my family was present- it was also the last family vacation we all had.......a simpler time....