Jan 03, 2006 13:04
Wow. When I look back on the past year, I think it's fair to say that this has been one of the most difficult and challenging years of my life. I think we all grew up in a sense when Robbie passed away. I think we learned a lot from him in ways we never thought we could. That was the most horrible thing I've ever had to go through.. especially being so young.. No one should have to go through we went through..but it's life. and its real. I miss him every single day and If i had one wish, he'd be with us again. LIfe comes at you fast and this year has definatly proved that to me. When I heard the news about Nick.. i kind of just gave up. Nothing seemed fair anymore and it wasnt. Everything was changing and I had no control over any of it. I really feel like I've grown up this year. I honestly don't feel like the same person that I was at the beginning. I don't think any of us are. Between losing Robbie, dealing with family stuff, losing your best friends and gaining new ones, and praying every single day for Nick to wake up.. this year has been so incredibly difficult. But we made it.
And even when things were at their worst, their was something good that came out of it. I can't even begin to name how many incredible people I met this year after Robbie passed away. I loved when we all became friends.. and there was no grief with anybody. It was like every problem we've ever had with anyone was overlooked. And I thank Robbie so much for that. And even though.. after a little while, things seemed to start to go back to the way they were, weve still stayed friends, even if we're not as close as we used to be. But it doesnt have to be like that. WE let things go back to the way they were. And WE need to change that.
So tomorrow, if ANYONE wants to, we should all meet at Robbie's memorial with a single yellow balloon that we let go in memory of him and to wish him a Happy Birthday.
I love ALL of you.. no matter if I'm your best friend or we don't talk much anymore. This year, no matter how difficult and challenging it was, has taught me so much. To live each day like its your last and to tell people you love them, before its too late. Keep Nick in your prayers and Robbie in you hearts. Always.
I love you guys.