Tatsuya Ueda has been featured on the latest release of +ACT MINI (also Kamenashi Kazuya) but I didn't post the ones with Bemu Kame since I'm pretty sure that they are all over already as of this time -- besides I want to flail about the Tat-chan's poses more xD
I edited them a little but credit is being given to the owner who scanned them (see below) =D
Anyway, he looks like doll/mannequin to me on these photos. =o
I'm not sure if it's because of the wig that he used or just the aura of him?
Oh well -- Tat-chan is definitely still pretty as ever xD
[Credit] Original Scans by: yamaharuxx
My long weekend/holiday has ended and it's back to work tomorrow x-x
Happy Halloween!