This and that.

Feb 17, 2017 10:51

Hello. I'm still here but this is the only time I was able to open LJ in particular and I'm currently at work.I don't have much on my hands this Friday so I thought why not write something in here. I'm not disappearing nor leaving fandom - just busy with work and to be honest, being diverted with other things. Even so, it will be also interesting to know that there are still people reading this.

Though I'm late on most of the things that are happening, still feels good to know that individually, they are getting busier. I still haven't started watching Ueda's drama though but I heard it's something that one might find interest in. It's about time he starred in another drama, anyway. Nakamaru is doing great as well. I'm curious on his new show as the MC and also his song for his new drama. Kamenashi is still charmingly occupied and will turn 31 soon. I can't believe he's past 30s now.. Time flies surely fast.

Temperature here is getting cold lately and I've been dealing with runny nose. I'm getting used to it but it will be bad for my health again if it will become abruptly hot afterwards. One more thing, I have to say that in the past weeks, I'm into watching this Korean Sunday variety show. My brother introduced me to it. It's funny. The games and punishments are entertaining. Well, maybe I just miss watching variety shows which KT used to have/do before.

Have a nice weekend!

random, personal rants, personal

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