ooc: log post

Jul 01, 2007 23:41

[Who:] Kanda and Rabi
[When:] Yesteday morning (though we logged it today. XD)
[Where:] Crap hotel in Paris, France.
[Why:] The morning-after tension, wut.
[Anything else:] We were bored. 8D


Slight movement and a sudden chill stirred Kanda awake the next morning. He blinked tiredly and reached up to push his tangled hair out of his face. He heard a small snort and jerked himself more awake and flipped over, looking at the figure beside him and a naked one at that. "Shit..." he whispered.

Rabi's bare chest heaved slowly up and down as he shifted a little on the bed, still sleeping blissfully. He mumbled something incoherently and rolled over, taking the blanket with him.

Kanda sighed in annoyance and reached down to grab Mugen and began to jab Rabi in the side, trying to awaken him.

Rabi squirmed for a moment, groaning and waving one arm blindly to try to shoo away the prodding, nearly hitting Kanda in the face carelessly as he did so. He opened his eye, then glanced over his shoulder, still mostly asleep. "What, Yuu?" he mumbled drowsily.

"Get up," Kanda said gruffly. He winced slightly however, at the sudden rush of head pain. "Fuck." He stood up, and realized he at least still had his under shirt on and began to button it up furiously. He felt his cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he remembered the events the night before. He wasn't all that drunk during them, but now that his lust was fulfilled, he felt ashamed in a way.

"Mnn," Rabi mumbled and rolled over again, watching Kanda with a dazed, sleepy look. He blinked slowly, the scene before him taking a moment to register in his mind. A blush covered his cheeks as he woke up more fully and he sat up, glancing away from the other boy awkwardly.

Kanda snorted in irritation. He let something get in the way... He... He didn't want to talk about it. Not saying a word, he walked by the bed, passed Rabi, and went into the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it promptly. He needed to think.

Rabi winced at the loud sound from the door slamming, jumping slightly. He furrowed his eyebrows and stood, looking around for his pants. When he found them, he sighed at the rip in one side of them. Kanda had been a bit too insistent about removing then quickly. He went to his suitcase, dressed himself for the sake of decency in his pants and a shirt and went over to the bathroom door. He knocked on it hesitantly, waiting for a reply.

Kanda examined himself in the mirror. He looked like crap. His hair was matted and moussed and he had... red marks on his upper chest, or at least what was visible and matching bite indentions on his neck. He felt himself start to waver and clasped the sides of the cabinet. He didn't really feel sick, but overwhelmed by the emotion, he guessed. He heard the soft tap on the door and jumped. He glanced toward the sound, but remained silent.

After a pause with no reply, Rabi knocked again, a bit more insistently. "Yuu?" he asked, not really sure of what to say to him. Things were awkward.

Kanda growled inwardly. Was a little self-time too much to ask? "What?" he said.

Rabi was quiet for a moment, really not sure what the right thing to say in this situation was. Should he apologize? Thank him? Just pretend nothing happened? None of those seemed right. He leaned against the door, not responding. He felt a little pathetic.

Kanda glared a bit. "What?" he asked, a little louder. Though he knew the reason for the silence. In the moment of bliss several hours ago, neither of them had thought of the consequences that would come in the morning.

Rabi sighed audibly, running his fingers through his messy hair. He set his hand on the knob of the door, knowing it would be locked so not trying to turn it. "I don't know," he replied, resting his forehead against the wood. "It feels like I'm supposed to say something."

Kanda looked into the mirror once more. "What is there to say? We fucked. That's it."

Rabi glared at nothing. "Whatever," he replied flatly, pushing himself up from his leaning position. "Hurry and finish if you're doing anything in there. I need a shower." He walked over to the couch, sitting down and pulling his knees up to his chest as he leaned his head back to rest on the back of the couch.

Kanda's eyes widened at Rabi's tone of voice. Maybe he shouldn't have said it so bluntly. He heard fading footsteps and lowered his head a bit, turning on the faucet. He splashed his face with cold water to jolt himself more awake. After toweling off, he sighed shakily and opened the door. He walked out and stared at Rabi, no real expression on his face.

Rabi didn't lift his head to look when he heard Kanda come out. Instead, he shut his eyes and relaxed, trying to block things out momentarily. He still felt a little tired. He wasn't awake enough for this sort of tension. He lifted his hands, rubbing the corners of his eyes drowsily with the backs of his hands.

Kanda walked steadily toward his discarded clothes and began redressing, looking at Rabi every now and then. The room felt smothered with tension and frustration and he really needed space, but things just really couldn't be left as they were right now. "Do you...," Kanda started asking, but fell silent. He didn't know what to do.

Rabi's looked up, his gaze falling on Kanda. He lifted his head and shifted on the couch, staring at him for a moment before speaking. "Do I what?" he asked, a little curious.

Kanda sighed and went to sit in the empty area beside Rabi. "... Talk. About last night, Do you want to?" he asked, his speech a little broken up. He felt a small burn on his face, but paid no attention to it.

Rabi was tempted to be bitter about Kanda's previously harsh tone, but knew nothing would get accomplished that way. He turned his head to look Kanda in the eyes. For a moment, a memory of the previous night flashed in his mind as vivid as it was when it happened. He looked away, in case he was blushing. "...Yeah. But I don't know what to say," he admitted.

Kanda looked the other way, a mile of thoughts running through his mind. "Neither do I," he admitted. His fingers fiddled with the bottom part of his jacket, a habit he had formed not too long ago. He didn't like it, but couldn't help it. What did last night mean to him? He knew he was affectionate to an extent and he knew he enjoyed every last minute of it, but now that he was fully aware, it all came to clashing confusion. "Did it mean anything to you?"

Rabi could vaguely hear his heart beating nervously as he paused silently after the question. He figured he shouldn't let it mean anything. But a part of him wanted it to mean something. He didn't know which feeling was stronger. "I don't know," he replied after several moments. "It's hard to explain."

Kanda let out a breath he had been holding. "I guess that answer is enough for now. I... I really don't know either. But, you broke through my barrier. You're one of the first to do that in a long time, as much as I don't want to admit it." And it was true. He knew he said things that weren't meant for others to hear.

Rabi's heart fluttered a little and a part of him felt happy and relieved, but he kept that quiet. He looked back at Kanda, watching the other boy silently. He could feel his face grow slightly warm as the silence grew longer, and he slid his gaze to the side, avoiding Kanda's eyes. "Broke through your barrier?" Rabi repeated, slowly, wanting to clarify to be certain.

"Don't play stupid. I told you a lot of things about myself when I was drunk. Things no one is supposed to know... why I act the way I do." Kanda sighed, standing up once more and walking over to the glass balcony door. He rested his heated forehead against the cool surface.

Rabi stood and approached Kanda, stopping a little behind him. He ignored the temptation to touch. "I liked seeing that side of you," he said, though a little hesitantly. It was true; seeing Kanda being open made him feel strangely happy, but he didn't know if it was okay to tell Kanda that.

Kanda brought a hand to the glass. The sun was shining and he could see birds flying and mingling about in the air. He felt a little jealous. Everything was so happy and he wasn't. But then again, he hadn't been happy in a long while, yet what transpired between the two Exorcists had tugged on that feeling.

Rabi shifted awkwardly when Kanda didn't reply, moving closer to him. He reached out, curling his fingers loosely around Kanda's arm. "Yuu?"

Kanda jumped at the touch and pushed Rabi away. "I'm going out for awhile. I'll contact you if I find anything," he said. He pulled his hair up and without another word, walked out the door with a click.

Rabi regretted touching the other boy as soon as Kanda pulled away from it and he watched silently as he left. He sighed, shaking his head to try to rid his mind of regrets or confusion or anything stressful as he headed to the bathroom to take a shower.


DONE, whoo.

yay, morning after, kanda, we were bored, log, rabi

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