Jan 23, 2004 00:09
hi yoU quySz...hOw are ya`? im chillen watchin` my babii On da t.v....avant! ayi hes sOo sexii...him and genuine :mMmMmMm: if Only they were cuban. haha! buenO ive qOts muchO catchin` up tO dO!! buenO as u knOw frOm da 15-19 i was in LAS VEGAS...yuh yuh...wut that shit was da bOmb! haha. wut qOt there at 12:00 a.m. (las vegas time) n we went str8 to da casinOs...i didnt play tOo much cuz i didnt wanna qet cauqht perO vivi n mike n rue had fake ID's =X sOo yuh i was sOo tempted perO the Only thinq i qOt away with playin was the lil machines but wut i really wanted to play was roulette!! dat shits crazy. as fOr the casinOs nObOdy wOn too much mOney, just mike, he won $1oOo in da lil machines soO yuh! uMm..we went tO qO see celine diOn on friday (16) and Omq` that shit was sOo emOtiOnal...i qot qOose bumps n my eyes qot watery, i thOuqht that shit was qOnna be wach as fuCc` perO i dunnO it was just sOo beautiful! =] MmMm...the next day (17) we went tO qO see wayne brady...brO...dat fuCcin` cOcOlO is sOo fuCcin` halariOus...like seriOusly, if u ever qet a chance to see him, GO!!! and den On sunday (19) we were suppOdsed tO qO see danny gans...perO the stupid faq decided tO cancel cuz da pussie was "sick" de pinqa` pero aniiways we had a blast. whenever all 7 Of us are 2gether, we always make everything memOrable and nOw that we've added vivi =] things can only qet better. oOoH yea...mii daddy bOuqht mii a burbery purse!! itz beautiful! sOo yea datz anOther One tO add tO my cOllectiOn =] mMm den On mOnday (2o) was my mOmmies birthday!! i had to qO tO skoOl cuz Of midterms perO w.e. i came hOme n the fam. came Over n we chilled n stuff n da rest Of the week was nOrmal...nuttin excitinq
n 2day ale cOme Over n we chilled =] and well 2morrOw since theres nO skOol :whOop whOop: mii n vivin steph n mike r suppOsed tO qO tO da mOvies sOo yea lets see wut happensas fOr that, thats it, nuttin too much mOre...oOoh yea, my abuelO is dOin much better, i went tO qO see him 2day and he was talkin nOrmal and u can understand everythinq hes sayin` sOO that very qOod =]
buenO mii amOrsitOs. me vOy. bubye! <3 mwa!