quiz time!

Dec 23, 2003 00:43

_ 7 things you love

[x] mamii
[x] papii
[x] abuela
[x] abuelo
[x] tia marlene
[x] my friends
[x] the rest Of my fam.

_ 7 things you hate

[x] ppl that dOnt rOk wut their wearinq...lOl`
[x] chOnqaSz
[x] ppl that swear their "qhettO"
[x] "pimps"
[x] haterSz
[x] druqz
[x] hOeSz

_ 7 things on your desk

[x] cOmputer
[x] diqital camera
[x] pen
[x] cd's
[x] calculater
[x] vavOom hair mOusse
[x] lOtiOn

_ 7 things you are right now

[x] tired
[x] sleepy
[x] bLah!
[x] listening to musica
[x] stressed
[x] cOnfused
[x] kinda hyper

_ 7 facts about you

[x] i like 2 see evey-1 happy
[x] i like da marlins!
[x] i wOrk hard fOr wut i want
[x] i lOve music
[x] i lOve tO dance
[x] im nice! =]
[x] i lOve every-1 =]

_ 7 things you plan to do before you die

[x] qraduate from collqe and be sum-1 impOtrtant
[x] qet married to the love Of my life
[x] have at least 2 kids
[x] be sucessful and make alOt Of mOney
[x] Own my Own restaurant
[x] buy alot Of prOperties
[x] qive my kids everythinq they want

_ 7 things you can do good

[x] sleep
[x] paint
[x] kiss .. so ive heard :-)~
[x] work
[x] be a friend
[x] entertain ppl
[x] kick ur aSz! =P

name: anqelica`
aliasez: litto mOmma`
sex: mamasita rica
lOc: kendal 3.oOh.5
race: wihte hispanic
natz: 1oO% cubana
aqe: 16
aim: lilmissplaya6924

ryt now '

tiime: 1:oO a.m.
drinkynq: vanilla pepsi
eatynq: nOthinq
wearinq: my hellO kitty pJ's
muZic: 2pac
mOod: happy
thynkin abOut: nOthin
want: 2 qO tO sleep
needz: 2 qO tO sleep
wish i waz: nOt hOme

favOriitez `

sOnq: walked outta heaven - jaqqed edge
rapper: 2 pac n 5o cent n jt money
siinqer: mariah carey
fOod: pasta
sOda: vanilla coke Or pepsi vanilla
ice cream: cookie dough n cOffee
juice: apple
liquOr: peach tree, kahlua, bacardi, absolute, qray gOose, cOrOna
clOthinq stOrez: macys, burdines n aniiwhere else
shOe stOrez: aniiwhere
cOlorz: red and yellOw
cartOon character: pOoh and spOnqebOb
mOvie: finding nemo
tv shOw: comic view
thinq tO do: just chill

friendz '

whose ya female bestfriend: nObOdy
whose ya male bestfriend: alOnsO at times
otha close friendz: raikza, tati, steph
back staberz: sum hialeah hOe named stephanie n ray
who u tell everithinq: depends
who u wit most: steph
who u on da phone wit most: steph or raikza
who u fiqht wiit most: every-1
who u neva fiiqht wit: nObOdy
who most like u: nObOdy
who da most fun: every-1
who u take everi where: hm. no1
who alwayz cheerz u up: every-1
who lovez u most: me...
who u wanna see more: everybodii
who u kno qonna alwayz be there: nO se

love '

u qot a boii: nOperSz
if so who: ..
who u crushin: em..
last relatiionshiip: danilO
who u wanna be wit: nO cOmment


x. birthday = Oct. 2
x. piercing = 2
x. tattoos = nOne
x. height = 5'2
x. shoe size = 8.5 Or 9
x. hair color = liqht brOwn
x. length = l0nq
x. siblings = nOne
x. pets = nOne


x. movie you rented = i have nO clue
x. movie you bought = bruce almiqhty
x. song you listened to = 2pac-id rather be
x. song that was stuck in your head = walked outta heaven

x. song you've downloaded = i dunnO
x. cd you bought = r.Kelly "the r in rnb"
x. cd you listened to = a burned one
x. person you've called = ricky last niqht
x. person that's called you = steph
x. tv show you've watched = cribs


x. person your thinking of = nObOdy
x. do you have a bf or gf = nope
x. do you have a crush on someone = maybe
x. do you wish you could live somewhere else = nO
x. do you think about suicide = hell na`
x. do you believe in online dating = lOl` =X
x. do others find yourself attractive = of course !
x. do you want more piercings = yuP
x. do you want more tattoos = nOpe
x. do you like cleaning = yes i hate tO see my rOom messy but either way my mOm usually dOes it fOr mii
x. do you like roller coasters = of course
x. do you write in cursive or print = bOth
x. do you carry a donor card = nO

for or against

x. long distance relationships = against
x. using someone = against
x. suicide = against
x. killing people = against
x. teenage smoking = against
x. doing drugs = against
x. gay and lesbian relationships = esO se nace nO se hace


x. food = pasta and cuban
x. song = i already said this !!
x. thing to do = chill
x. thing to talk about = boys
x. sport = fo0tball.baseball.basketball
x. drink = vanilla cOke n papsi vanilla
x. clothes = skirts n jeans
x. movies = finnding nemo
x. bands = ??
x. holiday = christmas
x. season = summer n winter
x. car = bmw x5 Or lexus is 300

have you

x. ever cried over a girl or boy = yes Over a cOuple stupid bOySz
x. ever lied to someone = yup :o/
x. ever been in a fist fight = yupz


x. shampoo do you use = panteene Or bioloqe
x. you scared of = scarry thinqs
x. # of times u have had my heart broken = twice
x. # of hearts u have broken = 1
x. # of continents u have lived in = 1
x. # of people u would classify as true, could trust with your life friends? 1 myself
x. # of people i consider my enemies = about 5
x. # of people from high school that i stayed friends with = im still in hiqh skOol
x. # of cd's that you have = 108490278 million
x. # of times my name has appeared in the newspaper = Once
x. # of scars on my body = um.2
x. # of things in my past that I regret = lettin ppl take advantage Of mii

da end '

time: 1:22 a.ma
buddiez on: 21
who u talkin to: nObOdy
music playin if any: pdiddy, nelly, murphy lee- shake ya tailfether
wha u qonna do now: prObably qo to sleep
las wordz: te quierO!
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