Jul 08, 2009 19:07

Where Jason gets a new verse!

As of this post, Jason is going to have three verses and one other sub-verse, as follows:

1) [verse] canon [ LINK]
Not much explanation needed. All of Jason's Season 1 to Season 3 prompts relating to canon events will fall into this verse. It is prompt only and non-RP.

2) [verse] main [ LINK]
This picks up after where Jason's Season 3 canon ended with him going to New York. Once there, he discovered Noah wasn't his baby, and he returned to Dillon with best friends, Tim and Sam. When he returned, he crossed paths with old school friend and ex-science class partner, Taylor MacKenzie, who had moved to New York to join the police force. She now works as a Rookie cop in New York, but returned to Dillon to recuperate after being stabbed in the shoulder on duty. After a rocky start in their relationship, Taylor discovered she was pregnant and Jason simultaneously proposed to her, and she accepted.

3) [verse] fnl_rewind [ LINK]
This is Jason's brand shiney new verse, and is to be AU of FNL canon from the beginning of Season 2. This is to explore his "What if", in what might have happened if he started a romance with Austin tattooist, Suzy Quinlan, whom he met when he went to try out for the Quad Rugby Para-Olypmic team. All activity in this verse will be played on the new comm, fnl_rewind and more info can be found on the profile page for that comm. His Suzy Quinlan is giveuaride and he also joins Tim and Tyra in this verse with their own little "What if" verse.

2) [verse] etrelibre_rpg [ LINK]
Jason is a member of the pan-fandom RPG, etrelibre_rpg. Occasionally, I might explore his behind the scenes island life via some prompts and this is the verse those prompts will fall. Jason is dating Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls in this RPG.

Anything tagged with [verse] open is free-for-all to any verse. That is all!

Tim Riggins [texas33forever]
Tyra Collette [wannabeimprtant]
Matt Saracen [panthers7]
Coach Taylor [pantherscoach]
Suzy Quinlan [giveuaride]
Sam Jameson [supermarketsam] (fnl oc)
Taylor MacKenzie [comeswithcuffs] (fnl oc)

[verse] main, [verse] etrelibre_rpg, [verse] fnl_rewind, [verse] canon, [entry] ooc

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