We're separate from the government, outside of the police

Oct 17, 2006 19:18

I know padawanpooh has already uploaded these, but I scanned them earlier and ended up going out before I could post them, so I've uploaded them too! From what I've seen, my scanner's not as wide as hers, so there are a few edges missing and suchlike. And, mine's London/Anglia edition, which no difference at all to the content...

I scanned them at between 400/800 dpi (depending on what size it was saying the file could be - there's only so much my harddrive can take!) and resized in PS to remove the funny splodges, so they're at the largest size that I can make them still be easy on the eye/readable.

!scans, tv: torchwood: promo, tv: torchwood

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