May 13, 2006 17:02
I really enjoyed reading Pete's latest journal entry on "The Garden". Its nice to know that there are people out there just as cynical and sarcastic as I am. I truly appreciated his sense of humor in this one and absolutely loved the pictures and comments he included. I won't deny that I enjoyed reading Andrew Marvell's poem because it contained some really great imagery, but I also am a big fan of contradiction and devils advocacy. I love the way Pete extrapolated the meaning of this poem and made it someone's responsibility to keep the garden that way. It was amusing the way he threw the poem back in Marvell's face and listed all of the less admirable qualities that a garden can have as well. I especially liked the comparison between Gwen Stefani and the yellow cedar. As much as I enjoy reading poetry and taking in all the great meanings and metaphors, its really refreshing to have somebody question the author's motives and put his own spin on things. I wish I was clever enough to think of a cool journal entry to make on some poem, but I am at a lack for creativity due to the amount of work I have due this week, and my lack of knowledge as to how to post pictures on this thing. Whatever..either way I really liked reading about this poem from a different perspective and it really opened me up to the way other poems can be interpreted. From now on I think I will be more critical of the stuff we read rather than just going along with everything we are taught about it.