Apr 29, 2005 15:29
Gosh, I'm so tired.. sorry for not updating.. i was up in Titusville [ aka SPACE COAST ] for regionals.. ha whatta joke.. it was pretty bad.. but a good experience i suppose. Alright so lets think.. Tuesday- Charles came over to help me study for History.. thats about it.. and Wednesday took the test.. did okay.. took a Bio Quiz.. idk bout that yet.. went to math.. boring.. and then left for melbourne.. I got to drive for awhile =] and i did pretty well.. cuz im just so amazing! lol Then we got to Melbourne.. checked in our hotel.. went shopping at The Avenue [ Abercrombie, Pac Sun, etc ] and then to Carrabbas for dinner [ yummmm ] then to sleep =] Then the next day.. REGiONALS!! i ran a 236 [ not awful, not my best.. ] and we were seated 5th but got like 9th.. so no States [ darn.. ] our team didnt do too well at regionals.. but oh well GUYS WON REGiONALS!!!! 4x100-1st 4x800-4th and everyone else did awesome.. they were soo good! =] Me and Bartz left early and went to Ron Jon at Cocoa Beach, then lunch, then me and my mom went to like a mall in Vero Beach.. and that was fun.. Then we got home around 1030 or 11 and i went to school late today [ at 9 ] and went to Einsteins.. which was really yummy and school as all weird today cuz of student council.. and i found out i won Geometry Student of the Year lol [ NERD ] so i had to go get taped.. Oh and i was in 3rd block history today and my team got 2nd on the practice AP exam.. =\ but whatever. Adam Mack is really nice lol.. he did the best gay pope impression EVER lol.. I'm SOO glad its Friday!! yay! X Fest is today and I might be going lol.. alright im gonna go-
youknowyouloveme, kate
-I'd like to thank Todd Borden for being such a good coach this year and dealing with the distance girls even when we drove you crazy and would ditch you on the weekend runs and walk and stuff... and thank you for teaching us and showing up for us no matter what.. we all really appreciated it! no matter how much we complained or whined! Cant wait to kick butt next year and at camp this summer in NC!! THANKS!!