NaDraWriMo Day 3
Title: In The Details
Fandom: Nikita
Characters: Amanda, Nikita/Michael
Rating: PG
Summary: Set before Nikita’s defection from division. The definition of a relationship through another’s eyes.
It’s just like the saying goes-- the devil is in the details.
It’s little things, here and there. Taken by themselves, that glance, that touch-- they don’t mean much. But when compiled together, it’s a veritable catalogue of courtship, vocabulary and grammar that forms the poetry of their love story.
It’ll all culminate in a tragic ending, of course, she thinks they all know that, deep down. She can see that too, in their hesitance to move their relationship forward. He’s held back by his own sad past, still unwilling to let his ghosts lie, and because she is getting tired of waiting, she’s attaching herself to another. This one is honest, and uncomplicated, and a mission, but she has begun to love him already.
Amanda watches from behind the glass, watching as Michael reviews Nikita’s mission footage with Daniel, and notes the tense muscle in his jaw spasm.
She sees the way that Nikita is constantly aware of Michael’s presence in any room, even when she is occupied and he is only passing through.
Amanda hears the stories, and notices how they’ve become something of a package deal, purely because of how compatible they are as a team. “Michael and Nikita arrived back from their mission in Belarus an hour ago.” “That’s a two man job-- Send Michael and Nikita.” “Michael and Nikita have been debriefed. They confirm each other’s stories.”
Michael and Nikita. Michael and Nikita. MichaelandNikita.
Amanda watches how Michael breaks when Nikita does, leaving Division in a fiery fury, dropping off their radar like no other recruit has ever managed. Michael is stoic and businesslike, and treats NIkita’s defection the same as any other runaway, and that is how Amanda knows that he is truly heartbroken. So she deters Percy from trying to use Michael too directly in the search, knowing that while he could probably find her faster than Birkhoff, Roan and any number of their best trackers could ever hope to find her, that he wouldn’t do it. Maybe not consciously, but Michael had always been just that little bit self-destructive, he wouldn’t be any good to them now.
But she knows that just because Nikita is not a character in this act, doesn’t mean she won’t appear again before the denouement. There is too much unresolved between them, too much history, too much feeling.
Too much.
It’s in the little details.