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Dec 30, 2009 17:52

A Year-Ender Book Meme

How many books read in 2009?

Fiction/Non-Fiction ratio?
All fiction with the exception of two memoirs.

Male/Female authors?
12/25. Go ladies! Though 9 of those were Charlaine Harris, 4 are J. K. Rowling and 2 are Jane Austen.

Favourite book read?
I really enjoyed Love In The Time Of Cholera for its lyricism, and the way that it didn't seem quite as preoccupied with normal grammatical conventions. It was happy to just tell the story, rather than tell it within the framework a novel. I also immensely enjoyed the whole Sookie Stackhouse series in general

Least favourite?
It'd be so easy to put Twilight here, but no, I'm going to say 'Wishful Drinking' by Carrie Fisher. It was the only non-fiction book I read voluntarily and I was so constantly annoyed by it's punchline writing style. It wasn't adapted particularly well from her one-man show, and it read really awkwardly. I expected more out of it, really.

Oldest book read?
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, I believe.

Not including graphic novels, it would be Dead And Gone by Charlaine Harris, published earlier this year. Including graphic novels, that would be The Dreamer by Lora Innes, which I have spoken of here previously.

Longest book title?
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time - Mark Haddon

Shortest title?
Twilight - Stephanie Meyer

How many re-reads?
Lots. Out of the 37 books I officially counted this year, I've reread 18 of them, though all 9 of the Charliane Harris books were read originally this year.

Most books read by one author this year?
Charlaine Harris. Lucky her.

Any in translation?
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly by Jean Dominique Bauby (French) and Love in the TIme of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Spanish)

And how many of this year’s books were from the library?
None. Sadly. I was either given the books, owned them already, or bought them myself. I have been getting into Audiobooks in a big way, though. I'm going through all the Harry Potter books that way slowly.

I was listening to it today when I took the hound for a walk. I'm up to the bit where they first have the meeting with Dumbledore's army in the Hog's Head pub.

geeky obsession: books

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