For one week, recommend / share:
→ Day 1:
a song→ Day 2:
a picture→ Day 3: a book/ebook/fanfic
→ Day 4: a site
→ Day 5: a youtube clip
→ Day 6: a quote
→ Day 7: whatever tickles your fancy
For Day three, my reccomendation, while rather last minute, is of a webcomic/comic called 'The Dreamer' by Lora Innes. You can find it online
here, or you can buy it in book form at your local comic shop (though my work doesn't have any in stock at the moment)!
It's by far the best independent comic I've read this year, both in quality of art and writing. I've often found that with independent comics, especially one where the creator is both writer and artist, one of the two suffers. Blankets by Craig Thompson is beautifully illustrated, but the writing leaves something to be desired, and while something like Sin City can have it's plot-related flaws, it's still very snappily written to the point that sometimes I found myself wishing the art was a bit better.
The Dreamer reminds me of Spider-man Loves Mary Jane but with HISTORY! And her summary of the reasons for the American Revolution is pretty much the most awesome and simple thing I've ever read, and does a really good job of explaining why it's all happening, who everyone is and such to someone who has only the faintest idea about these things. I love that the characters she draws look normal, they aren't all the same, they have some curve, and she seems to pay a great deal of attention to historical accuracy in the clothing she draws.
So yeah, checkit!