So I am conditionally approved a car loan for $18000, which is enough to buy me a nice new car, and I have narrowed the list down to the three below. They are currently in order of my preference
The Mazda 2
The nicest looking, and the one that has the best reviews that I can find. I've driven a Mazda 3 before, it's what my cousin owns, and while it was a little awkward, it was a very very nice car. It also has the best fuel efficiency of the lot.
It also comes in that sweet-assed green colour, which I am extremely attached to.
The Toyota Yaris
The cheapest of the three, but that does by no means mean that it is the crappiest. It also has extremely good reviews, fuel efficiency, and being a Toyota it'd be cheap to repair if it came to that. Though so would both the other cars as well, I suppose.
The Honda Jazz
The largest on the inside, but also the most expensive. As every day goes by it slips further down the list, but I'm reluctant to take it completely off until I've given all three a test drive (if I can, of course)
I'm still open to more suggestions, comments and criticisms. Meanwhile, I'm going to be in the corner, freaking out that I"m even considering putting myself in debt in one very big adult step. On the other hand: Road trip!