Things that happened to me today
- Dog headbutted me in the face and now I have a split lip. It's a sezy look guise. Try it.
- Am pretty sure my leg is pretty nastily bruised from where someone kicked me at netball on Sunday. It hurts to walk up stairs, and it's a bone hurt not a muscle hurt. I don't feel this is too positive.
+ Ate a tasty BLT.
+ Found an amazing
Mythbusters Apocalypse Fic. No seriously. It's awesome. It's RPF, but you know what? Couldn't care less. Cos it's awesome.
+ Am finally at least half-way through Everything Is Illuminated. It's harder to read than it should be, because of all the gimmicks. I like some of the gimmicks. I think they really work. But the other half of the gimmicks feel too much. I will finish it though. Also I will start and finish The Merchant of Venice.
+ Also dudes: I heart playing Netball. And I heart my Netball team. Even if we've only ever won one game, they're still kick-ass people.