X3 - thoughts and stuff.

May 25, 2006 22:27

It goes without saying this post will have spoilers.

Hank. And Warren. I think are probably the two characters whose introductions I actually liked. Particularly Warren's. Whichever actor they got to play kid!Warren was fucking good. I liked that.

I did not like the way that they implied that Warren would actually have a significan't part in the movie. He had about three scenes in total. So not enough to actually cover what was needed.

Hank. Hee. "Oh my stars and garters!" I died a little with that line. I am not to sure if the Lion-Roar thing is good. I loved his acrobatic style of fighting. I'd love to see this Hank face off against Wolverine. This Hank does look as though he'd be a good match.

Logan and Storm. There was far too much of. Logan I liked a little more than Storm. I know she was going for outspoken, but it all seemed superfluous, more than anything. "I'm going to make a comment here for the sake of boosting my appearance just that much more!"

Kitty... I liked her. SHE HAD A PINK UNIFORM.

I did not like that Rogue took the cure. I have issues with that. They will be resolved by fanfic.

Mystique. Ah. My favourite vengance demon. I loved you. I loved how you got cured. And I loved your retaliation. If anyone deserves a spinoff? It's you m'dear.




WHY oh WHY did the scripwriters decide to give you a personality transplant? You were evil for the sake of being evil and not for the sake of actually... really looking like you believed in what you were doing. I think that Patrick Stewart didn't seem all that enthused about making you the careless manipulator. Your death seemed corny. Sorry man.

I wont go into the Scott disappointment. Marvel could get an angry letter from me.

Madrox. And Juggernaut? Fucking kicked ass. I loved Madrox. And his smirk. He deserves more screen time.

Magneto. I have a love hate relationship with you. I loved the scene at the start with you and Charles and Jean. But there were moments. When I think you went down Charles's path. The one where the scriptwriter needed a convenient excuse. So they changed your personality a bit to accomodate. Your ending was lovely and bitter and very well acted. It was probably the only bit that made me feel a little emotional.

Jean. Golly. I loved dark Phoenix. I loved the way they handled her. I love how Famke handled it. Considering that some of the other characters had such horrible personality changes, at least yours had a reason, it was a good reason, and it was realistic.

Hee. Stepfords. They were there. Hee.

I flailed out loud far too many times.

I want more Hank and more Angel.


Give me the physical mutations.

And change Rogue back.

I think that this movie. Went too quickly for me to get really emotionally attached to any of the characters. Which was not good. There were certain places, where some time for reflection, or less speed, could've been used. And would've slowed the pace of the movie down to good affect. The movie literally flew by. If you went to the loo? You'd miss something important. I guarantee it.

And I know its been said. But stay to the end of the credits. YOU'LL FLAIL. I DID.


I'm sorry I couldn't stick around. I have to wake up early tomorrow morning. WE SHALL FLAIL TOGETHER TOMORROW NIGHT INSTEAD.

fandom: x-men, no words describe: flail, real life: squee

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