Jun 01, 2010 21:36
this man is one of the many reasons I will never be a part of organized religion again.
this man was my seminary teacher when I was 14, and what sucks about this is the fact that I called it. he often invited girls, including me, to stay behind and talk to him privately after seminary. I saw through it, a lot of us thought he was extra-friendly and overlooked it simply because of how charming he was.
based on previous personal experience with other religious leaders, namely my former bishop and stake president as well as others, I'd like to remind those of you that do follow an organized religion to be safe and be smart. Don't trust someone based on their authority or their social status. If you're alone with a person and you don't feel comfortable, trust that instinct and make it clear that you don't want it to happen again. If you have children, don't leave them alone in your bishop or preachers or teachers or whoever's office. you have every right to supervise other people tending to your children. you have every right to question what personal motives might be lurking behind their authority. don't let what happened to me, what's happened to others, don't let it happen to you.