Alchemy is a fifteen-year-old boy and 4'11", not including his antenna. His right arm and his left leg are automail, a sort of robotic prosthetic. He has blond hair, usually braided, and golden eyes. He's managed to recreate his platform shoes, putting him at about 5'0". He's found a red jacket to replace the one he's usually seen wearing in canon, although he hasn't remembered the symbol found on the back. He still wears black clothing and white gloves.
Friends and Family
The Protected
- - - - -
The Useful
Cara (Krile Baldesion): She's fairly nice and cheerful. She's provided information when he asked and doesn't seem to want to irritate him like some people.
Cecdan/Dani (Rikku): Her blonde hair and mechanical expertise is a huge ping for him. He'd like her more if she didn't ping him hard enough to threaten to charge him the next time his automail was ruined. Also another person that came looking for him when he went missing in the Wilderness.
Code (Billy Kaplan): FM invited the witch to live in their house. Alchemy likes him well enough. Now, if Code would just accept that the most basic alchemist can do what he's trying to do some with some ridiculous spell, things would go a lot smoother. Also between FM 2.0 and Code, they're the reason Alchemy got to skip living in Section 1 housing.
The Mostly-Not-Bitched-At
Lucy (Selphie Tilmitt): FM's former girlfriend (but it's not like Al knows this). He'd like her more if she hadn't made the tripwire. Also, he forgot to make a special trip saying FM was back, mostly because he figured she'd find out anyway.
Juliet (Grell Sutcliff): Jules gave Al an expent memory crystal to experiment on and has been generally nice about things. Al still isn't quite sure of Jules's gender and this mostly prevents any sort of ally-fication.
Kazahana (Kuchiki Rukia): A medic at, well, Medical Island. She recommended FM's cat, Jan, be checked out for digestive problems. She's a little bit of a pushy person. It's not like it's his responsibility to care for FM's cat!
Rabbit (Lavi): He's nice enough. Al fixed a hole created in his wall. Might be a better friend if he wasn't so tall. Or emphasize how tall he was.
P/Raise (H/Allelujah Haptism): Meh. He was pretty useful. Nothing too interesting as far as Al knows. He does know someone important and that's perked Al's interest.
The Irritating
Aurora (Tieria Erda): Mostly because Aurora was born inside FM and wasn't getting dressed quick enough during the rebirth, Alchemy really doesn't like him. Oh, and Aurora's a know-it-all that complained he couldn't greet. Definitely on his way down the bastard list.
Justice (Miles Edgeworth): The man had the audacity to remind Alchemy that memories could just be a vision. Also that his opinion on how things should work didn't constitute as fact. :|
The Bottom of the List
1. Snap (Roy Mustang): Almost as soon as he arrived, Alchemy refused to play nicely with the head of the Adventurers, to the point of refusing to work under him. He'd prefer not to talk to Snap if he can avoid it. Interestingly enough, he was very distraught over Snap's death. Don't tell him that you noticed. Snap also has a cat by the name of 'Shrimp'.
2. Stoneface (Sam Vimes): Ever since the mistletoe incident of being forced to hug a cigar-smoking old man, Alchemy really hasn't felt any sort of happy feelings toward this man. He can't deny that Stoneface is the second-in-command of the Guards and you don't get there through stupidity - unless you're Snap.
But Never Forgotten
Click (Maes Hughes): He only met the man once or twice and really only talked a few times, but he was shocked by seeing him and even more shocked when he vanished. He doesn't like to admit that Click was here and gone.
Fullmetal (Alphonse Elric): His brother, once human, now a suit of armor. Through memories, Alchemy knows FM is his brother. Currently, he's hiding the human transmutation and the most recent memory regarding his automail from FM. It's also FM's fault that Alchemy calls himself 'Al'. Touch FM and you're getting beat to the point of near-death. Lost as a suit of armor. He isn't willing to think Fullmetal is gone entirely from Edensphere.
Lampwick (Charmander): One of the nicer people of the Sphere, he's actually some sort of... lizard-thing. But he was pretty nice and even came after him when Al got lost in the Wilderness.
If I've forgotten someone whether Al views them as an annoyance, enemy, or friend go ahead and comment and I'll add him/her on up here. ♥