Oct 21, 2005 23:09
Tonight has been the first time in a while that ive been to the movies.
I didnt actually INTEND to go alone, just a friend had bailed out on me.
and to be honest, im not ashamed to ask for one ticket...
Its funny what you think about when you walk by yourself at 9 to the subway, what you notice. As I was waiting for eastbound to roll in I noticed the chatter around me, i couldnt understand any language that was beign spoken around me. There's french, cantonese, italian, swahili, russian..
Did you know I live in the most culturally diverse city on the face of the planet?
And i take an appreciation to it now..
Everything from the languages, to the man preaching about the grace of god in the subways, to the wind that so suddenly rushes by as the train pumps through.
I stand in the compartment and observe again. The lovers, the homeless, the sleepy..all of them watching.
And in my little world, i make up stories about interesting people I find.
The war hero infront of me took 8 bulletwounds in the stomach while rescuing a vietnamese woman durign the war
The goth teen girl next to me had a 4.0 GPA, was an aspiring radiologist and would some day save millions of lives buy inventing the cure for the common cold, among other things
The old coupe at the end of the train were highschool sweethearts and grew up together in a small town.
I finally made it to the theater where i sat down for a bit and began reading "Until I Find You",I later asked for my ticket to Elizabeth town and ordered a Burger King Big Kids Meal and enjoyed the previews. It felt okay to be there alone, laughing and somewhat crying with two complete strangers at either side. Although is it dark and I'm with two people I do not know, we all share a commonality...all of us are here to watch the show.
And i do not feel judged.
I love how I feel after a good movie, I smile (unembarassed) and make my way to grab a coffee and then onto the subway again.
After I emptied out my change to a poor blind man playing the harp (he probably would stay the night in that subway lobby), it occurred to me that you have to pick and choose who you are nice to in this city depite Canada's impecible reputation (for being wussies..) and all around good people, people WILL take advantage of you.
A man looked lost, i asked him if he needed help and he began to follow me, asking for my name and age.. others, who actually appreciate kindness show it to you in their eyes (and most of the time, these people..all they really want IS a look in the eye)
They make me appreciate what I have
And now im home, out of this cold thats about to turn toronto back to its wintery familiar and beautiful blankness.
And that is all
Someone said to me that I love people for what I imagine them to be, not for what they really are. I wonder what that means, I wonder if it's true.