Mixed Drinks (One-shot)

Feb 07, 2012 13:28

Title: Mixed Drinks
Author: ittbittyriddle
Rating: NC-17
POV: 3rd
Pairing: Jack Barakat / Jon Walker
Summary: It really sucked, because he could get any guy in the city except Jon Walker.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the plot and the story itself alalalala.
Authors Note: Well hello. I'm back to writing! I really needed to start something, so a oneshot for you! First time attempting smut. Don't hate me if it's crappy. Please comment though, if you read! It's much appreciated.

Bar hopping became one of Jack Barakat's favorite pass-times. He went here and there, drinking and chatting until his words all slurred together and he couldn't get out of his bar stool. Ever since his last break up he'd taken to going to each and every bar around town and drinking his problems away, usually ending up with him staying the night at some stranger's house. Sometimes the stranger was worth it, sometimes they weren't. He didn't even care that he could end up with some deadly sexually transmitted disease, he just needed to get some sort of relief and get away from his problems.

It didn't help that, yes, once or twice he'd moaned out Alex's name during sex, making the guy he was sleeping with really uncomfortable or mad and making Jack leave. It happened more than he thought it did, and that was probably why he woke up a lot outside of apartment doors and hotel rooms.

It wasn't his fault. He was desperate and broken and so upset that he needed something to fill the gaps. He used to be so in love and still was, and it ended so abruptly. It wasn't his fault he'd felt up Alex's best friend when he was drunk. Alcohol did stupid things to smart people. And Jack just so happened to be that unlucky to have something that stupid happen to him.

Jack usually started at the beginning of the main drag of the city where the party district was. He stared at his favorite bar, Stan's, where he knew the people there well (mostly because when he started he was sober and remembered the bartenders). He next went to Chico's, Rivertown, El Casa, and then the bar he ended up at most nights, if he was lucky he got that far, was Hacienda's, a bar where Spanish people owned it and there were some crazy Mexican style liquors. He ended up there tonight, buzzed out of this world and still drinking.

How he ended up talking to Jon Walker was beyond him.

Jon came to bars on Friday nights after work, so Jack didn't see him very often. Only on the off chance he ended up at Hacienda's on a Friday night, would he even catch his eye. Jack was usually too drunk to remember seeing him anyways. It was sort of weird, because Jon remembered seeing him a bunch of times before. He'd checked him out once or twice, sure, but knew what a drunk he was and wouldn't dare go talk to him. Jon never got drunk enough to forget where he was or what his morals were unless he was at home. He didn't want to end up sleeping with some stranger.

But then he met Jack, which was an accident and he cursed himself for it. He'd just gone up to the bar to get another beer when Jack stopped him, grabbing his shoulder.

"Hey, I see you here a lot," he smiled, a toothy, stupid drunk smile. Jon couldn't help but smile back because it was sort of cute, yeah. He nodded before speaking.

"I'm here on Fridays, that's really it. You must come here a lot," Jon said quietly, getting his drink. He was about to say his goodbyes and get up and go, but Jack kept talking and he didn't want to be rude.

"Yeah, you are!" he nodded. "I'm Jack. Jack Barakat, nice to meet you. Sit down!" He clasped his hand tightly with Jon's shaking it with a strong force.

Jon sighed and put on a smile, shaking his hand. "I'm Jon Walker. It's nice to meet you too, I guess." He sat down and resituated himself, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

They talked for ages about music, movies, television, books. Jack took about a half hour explaining why his favorite movie was Home Alone, but the original one, not the sequels. He repeated his main points about four times before Jon stopped him, about to burst out laughing. He put a hand on his shoulder.

"Jack, you just explained that to me, like, five times," he said with a gentle smile, shaking his head. He took a drink of his beer, the last sip, and asked for another. He usually didn't drink this much. Not unless he was talking to someone else and he wasn't keeping track of how many he'd had.

He liked not having responsibilities and just letting go. He liked talking to Jack, because Jack was like a little kid who was entertained on barely anything and it entertained Jon to listen to him talk.

Jon was in the middle of telling Jack something about a band, when Jack interrupted him.

"Do you want to come home with me?" Jack asked suddenly, catching Jon off guard.

"Excuse me?"

"Do you want to come home with me," he repeated, slower. "Back to my place. My apartment." Jack usually wasn't the one to ask, but Jon hadn't asked him.

Jon opened his mouth to speak but then closed it, face turning red. "I uhm... I don't hook up with strangers."

"We'll use a condom and I got tested last week for STD's, I'm fine." Jack said it so casually that Jon gaped, not really sure what to respond to that.

"No, I think I'm okay. Thanks." Jon finished his drink and shook his head, and Jack looked at him like he had three heads.

"Fine," he shrugged, getting up and stumbling a little to his coat on the coat rack, tapping some guys on the shoulder and whispering something in his ear. The guy nodded and followed him out, the two leaving together in his car.

Even though he said no to his offer, Jon wanting to get to know the boy was quite the understatement.


Jon decided to go to the bar on a Thursday that week since he had Friday off, and he really wasn't keen on seeing Jack again so soon. He came in, took a seat and ordered a beer, and looked around. It seemed that he was in the clear, for now at least. Good.

It only took about an hour for a drunk Jack to stumble in and say a loud "Hey, fuckers! What's up?" to every god damn person in the bar. He smiled at Jon when he saw them, not noticing the grimace on the other's face when he plopped down next to him.

"Hey, man!" he shouted, smiling big at Jon like he had last time. It roped him in again, and Jack just talked Jon's ear off for the next two hours.

After two hours and 5 beers, Jon's world may or may not have been spinning around him. Jack noticed the dizziness, since Jon's head would bob every now and then from losing his balance, and laughed.

"So, do you want to come home with me?"

"I told you no last week," he said quietly, sighing and shaking his head. Even drunk, he had more morals than most.

"Come on, Jon. Let me buy you another drink."

And this went on for weeks.

Jon wouldn't sleep with him, but Jack kept pushing. He even came in sober once and did his best, still unable to sway the man.

It really sucked, because he could get any guy in the city except Jon Walker.

Finally, on a really frigid night in November, Jack caught Jon at the usual bar, drinking a colorful looking drink instead of a beer. He sat down and smiled, waving a little at him.

"Switching it up, I see," he laughed, pointing at the drink.

Ever since he'd met Jon, this was his first stop bar and he never went to the next until Jon said no to sleeping with him.

"Yeah, it's cold out. My car won't start," he sighed, taking a long swig. "It's ridiculous."

Jack ordered a drink and then turned back to Jon. "I wondered why you were here so late. Do you need a ride home?" he asked with a small smile. Jon pondered the thought before answering.

"Yeah, actually. That'd be great."

Jon wasn't anywhere near drunk, thankfully, so he got up and followed Jack to his car.

"This is the first bar you've been to tonight, right? I'm not going to be driven home by a drunk?"

"Yeah, I promise."


The two stayed practically silent until they got to Jon's house, where Jack said goodbye but Jon stayed back.

"What is it?" Jack asked, looking skeptically at him.

Jon bit his lip before speaking. "Stay the night."

Butterflies flooded Jack's stomach. He didn't have to think about it. He just parked the car and got out, following the man into the house.

Right as Jon closed the door behind him, Jack had him against the wall, his lips crashing against the other. Hands flew into brown colored locks and teeth clashed, alcohol evident on the breath of both of them.

Jack was quick at battling with their tongues for dominance, winning after a brief fight. His tongue explored Jon's mouth, who didn't hold back his moans as Jack toyed with his nipples under his shirt. Jack pulled away and stared him in the eyes, gulping.

"Where's your bedroom?"

Jon didn't even reply, just pulled the boy with him upstairs to the bedroom and closed the door behind him. He pushed Jack back onto the bed, straddling him and leaning down to kiss him passionately. The two stayed like that for a while until it was torture for Jack to still be in those cock-blocking skinny jeans.

He started to take off his pants but Jon took his hands away, doing it for him. He slowly pulled down the zipper and slid the jeans down, Jack having to kick them off when they got past him thighs. He slipped off his shirt and Jon's, the two of them eventually ending up in boxers on Jon's bed, making out with too much teeth and tongue and not enough friction.

Jack was the first to pull away, whispering in a low voice that was reserved for the bedroom, "Get my wallet out of my jeans, there's a condom." Jon nodded and quickly reached into the discarded jeans and did as he was told, taking out the condom. He set it down next to them, sliding down Jack's boxers and doing the same with his own. Jack reached for the condom but Jon shook his head, taking it first. He grinned, opening it with his teeth.


"No buts, you little slut," Jon growled. He had to admit, it was really fucking sexy having Jack underneath him like he was right now. He took the condom out and rolled it onto his dick, gasping a little at the feeling. He had to stop though, because he was about to have some much better and needed friction on it than his hand. He took three fingers and shoved them in Jack's mouth. Jack got the hint and swirled his tongue around them, making sure that they were good and wet before fingers out, Jack making an obscene 'pop' noise when he did.

Jack wasn't used to being on the bottom. Jack was usually the dominant one.

Jon slid his first finger in, making Jack squirm at the uncomfortable sensation. Jon moved it around, making sure it was good enough for two before putting in the second, and then the third, curling them until Jack was basically fucking himself on Jon's hand.

He took them out, Jack whining at the loss. Jon reached into the bed table drawer and pulled out a little bottle of lube, pouring a bit into his hand before moving the slick hand up and down until he was fully coated. He had Jack on his back, squirming and fully hard, wanting some kind of contact.

And Jon was going to give him that.

He positioned himself perfectly, sliding into Jack in one quick thrust. The boy below him screamed, but it was a sort of good scream, one that ended in a moan. He stayed put, waiting for the okay from Jack.

"C-Christ, just move already," he gulped, eyes closed tight.

Jon pulled out and pushed back in slowly, starting up a rhythm until he couldn't take it slow and easy anymore. His thrusts were quicker and more precise, the boy below him a panting mess. Sweat was glistening on the foreheads and the only noise in the room was the skin on skin and the pants and moans. He changed his angle a bit and Jack almost fucking lost it, letting out an obscene moan.

"R-Right there, fuck," he gasped, eyes shot wide open. Jon smirked and did as he was told, pounding the spot over and over again, harder and at different rhythms until Jack was seeing stars. Without even being touched, Jack came all over his stomach, screaming Jon's name. The tight feeling around his dick made Jon lose it, just staying as he was inside Jack until his breathing came back to normal.

He pulled out after a few minutes, tying up the condom and pitching it into the garbage bin near the bed. Jack reached over and grabbed his boxers, wiping his chest with an 'ew' and a small laugh, running a hand through his hair.

Jon laid next to him, an arm around his waist, and placed a kiss on his forehead. "Stay the night?" he asked quietly, the boys both a sticky mess of sweat and other things.

"I was already planning on it," he said with a dopey smile, kissing the other softly and closing his eyes.

Maybe the wait he had to endure really was worth it.

one-shot, jack barakat, jon walker, nc-17

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