Blaine Anderson - Entranceway Application

Jul 13, 2035 23:57

Name: Ryuuto
LJ: dblrainbowfairy
E-Mail: flynn dot scifo712 at gmail dot com
IM: felledjustice

Character Name: Blaine Anderson
Series: Glee
Timeline: After he and Kurt have their conversation over coffee in Never Been Kissed, episode 6 of season 2.
Canon Resource Link: Glee
Character Background: At his old school, Blaine was bullied mercilessly because he was openly gay. From what he hinted in the series, it wasn't too bad until it reached its climax. There was a Sadie Hawkins dance at his school, and he had asked out a friend, who was also openly gay. When the two went to wait for their ride at the end of the dance, some guys came up to them. These guys then proceeded to "beat the living crap out of [them]." Home wasn't necessarily a safe haven for Blaine, either. In the episode Sexy, Blaine told Burt Hummel that he suspected his father tried to "make him straight." From what was hinted, he didn't have an open relationship with his father, something he envied the Hummels for having.

Some time after the Sadie Hawkins incident, he was transferred over to Dalton Academy, a prestigious all boys school with a zero tolerance policy and a pretty steep tuition cost. There, Blaine found a sanctuary, but the experiences he had had at his old school continued to haunt him. While he remained openly gay, he resigned himself to try fitting in with the crowd as much as he could, trying not to bring any attention to himself. He became more confident, or he managed to create a convincingly confident persona, and eventually became the lead soloist for the Warblers, the glee club in Dalton. Blaine would also make two best friends at Dalton: Wes Montgomery and David Thompson.

Eventually, he met Kurt Hummel, a boy attending McKinley High and part of its glee club, New Directions. Kurt had been "spying" on them, but was so bad at it that he and his two best friends thought it was endearing. After giving an impromptu rendition of Teenage Dream from the Warblers, Blaine and his friends took Kurt aside to talk to him. They had figured out that he wasn't there to spy, but for something else. Here, Blaine told him that he was openly gay, and listened to Kurt about his bullying problems at McKinley. He said that the other boy needed to stand up for himself, something Blaine hadn't done at his old school. It was an action that he never forgave himself for, labeling it as cowardice on his part. Blaine was whisked away to Wonderland some time after this conversation.

Abilites/Special Powers: None, he's just a regular guy with many interests and a wonderful singing voice.

Third-Person Sample:

Blaine had been walking to his next class at Dalton Academy when he abruptly found himself in a grand ballroom. The change from hallway to such a spacious room was abrupt enough to leave him in a state of dazed confusion. He looked around, not quite sure what to make of it, and wondered if he was dreaming. Maybe he had some sort of latent narcolepsy? Blaine pinched himself several times, and not only did he not wake up from this "dream," but his arm now hurt a bit.

He wasn't sure what to think. It was possible somebody had knocked him unconscious, but Blaine didn't feel like that had happened. Nothing hurt, except for the arm he had been pinching, and he didn't feel drowsy, just confused. He knew his way around Dalton enough to be sure he hadn't taken a wrong turn or anything. Then…how the hell did he get in a ballroom?

Guess I'll just have to look around and ask somebody. He thought, walking over to the doors to exit the room with a confident stride. Honestly, Blaine wasn't feeling it, but he knew that there was no point in panicking when in a situation like this. After leaving the ballroom, he gave another quick look at his surroundings, trying to get his bearings. The teen spotted someone nearby, and approached the person with a polite smile.

"Excuse me, but could you help me? I'm not quite sure where I am or how I got here…?" he trailed off, not quite sure what to expect from the answer. If he even got an answer.

First-Person Sample:

[Blaine looks…confused, but he's going to try and make light of the situation he has found himself in. It won't do any good for him to panic.]

So, did I get cast as Dorothy without knowing it or something? Because I don't have the figure for a dress and those red shoes, while classy, I don't think I can pull off. They're a bit too…glittery, and it's a pain to wash off of anything.

[He pauses for a moment.]

But being serious, where exactly am I? I'm pretty sure that Dalton never had a ballroom like this, and I've pinched myself enough times to convince me that this isn't a dream.

[There's another pause as he tries to think of whether he has anything else to say or not. He comes up with absolutely nothing, at least for now.]

Thanks for the help.

[And Blaine ends the transmission there.]

!application, !entranceway, !ooc

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