Dec 09, 2005 03:15
Man, I am so happy. I found a place to stay right across the street from USF. The place is called Campus Walk. It looks really nice. FUCK YEAH!!!!!!! Plus, all of the people that live there are graduate students and are INTERNATIONAL. One girl is from Nepal, and I dont know where the other girl is from--JK, both are guys. BUT STILL, HOW FUCKING SICK? I finally get my own room.
Rent is 295 a month, and the place is furnished. FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND, Adam doesn't know this but I AM GOING TO STAY IN SAN FRAN FOR TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get to hang with Adam. FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope he can get off work.
Man, I am so excited. FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!