Practically nobody here watches Merlin, but you should, because it's ridiculously campy and adorable. A fun mix of candyfloss, subtext and fairytale. For a bonus, there are chicks with swords and cute boys.
Also adorable?
greensilver's genderbent fic
A Step To The Left. Chick Merlin done with a good dose of humor and not a hint of sue. It sparked some doodling, and the results are
a swiftly done portrait,(in which Merlin ends up looking uncannily like Cimorene,) and,
a quick and dirty cartoon with a lifted line.
PS. STITCH AND BITCH HAS MOVED LOCATIONS. So if you're planning to show and
oui_je_danse or I have not gotten to you, drop us a line and we'll give you the new directions!