Heart Macaroon Tutorial

Feb 23, 2011 10:16

Here's a heart macaroon tutorial. Image is via magazine scan, and these images are read right to left. My direction are not the exact translations. Just what I can infer from the photos. Enjoy!

  1. Mix clay pieces together in order to get desired color. You can use acrylic paint for this step as well.
  2. Push clay into the mold in order to form the heart shape. If you don't have a mold, a heart cookie cutter will do. (2 pieces needed)
  3. Grab a razor and make a line to push the clay inward, just like in the picture. It's to create a nice crisp look.
  4. use a toothpick to create the pull away / cookie effect.
  5. Add icing of your choice. You can use Decotti or Silicone.
  6. Put the two pieces together, and viola! you have a heart shaped macaroon.
Enjoy! Thanks for reading. Please let me know if I can fix anything in the tutorial. More tutorials @ itsybitsydelights.com. :)

sweets, tutorials
