good bye for now

May 10, 2005 17:42

i dont know if we'll ever meet up again
or if i'll ever love again
but i do know the i'll never forget
the memories that play over and
the laughter that rings in my mind
the smiles that embrace my heart
which force a smile upon my face
so please, in the hall way smile
because that smile is what gets me through
i need you to be happy
today when you and i said good bye
its not the,
dont forget the way we loved
dont forget the things we said
youll be in my heart forever
and your love was always something to treasure
im sorry i couldnt be that one
that one to be the perfect girl
but one day youll find her... i know it
i dont want to lose you
but i need to let go
so please always know
that no matter what im still here
im just a phone call away
i'll miss those saturday nights
and those late night phone calls
but they'll take in a new meaning...
and we'll hang out, dont worry..
and i'll still call, you choose to awnser
you'll always be my friend
and even tho i thought i lost my best friend...
i realized that you never left me
and if you ever leave and we never meet again on this earth
we'll meet again in heaven...
and maybe i'll see and recognize you and run up to you
you can pick me up and swing me around.
or maybe we'll meet the same way we met here
i'll miss you, but i'll always be here
it wasnt a was a blessing
and i thank God for everything he put me through
to lead me straight to you for the time
i'll never forget you or any of the memories made
i love you

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