Mar 31, 2005 22:23
+ In approximately 2 months time, im free. I dont have to look at the people that i constantly hope put a paper bag over their face, or listen to absurb bathroom stall conversations. In middle school, you love it..till you leave, then you hate it. Highschool you love, till you leave, then you hate it. Eh, actually i dont really think hating highschool is accurate, i think its more apathy once you realize that its a highschool is supposed to define youre future. Getting best looking or most intellectual doesnt write the ticket to still remaining the best looking person mid 40s...stop tanning and coloring your hair, and you may have a shot. I wasnt journalling to bitch about that...i really didnt plan on bitching at all, but it has to come. I sort of wanted to take a look at who ive liked in the past...this counts 6-9 grade when no guys liked me at all, and i was willing to like any guy who would even look at me.
5th grade:
robbie s-our dates consisted of going to newpark and biking on bike trails and getting stung by bees and then playing resident evil till 5 in the morning. Id drink all his soda. Id also pet his dog who had a permanent bald spot if i remember correctly
jake k-who didnt like jake in elementary school, he was hot shit.
6th grade:
Sean S- he was the hearthrob of the owl team...and i think he liked christine and i got really jealous...but i was ugly so i had no control.
Andrew Sr- sorry ill never spell his last name right
Daniel B
Brian G
7th grade:
Josh D
Beamer W
John F
David W
Andrew S
Denver D
Sam H
Nick R
Mike R
Greg D
Caleb K
Nathan W
8th grade:
Matt B
Taylor B
Tim S
Ryan A
Josh D
John F
Mike K
Jake K
Eric M
Andrew S
Sean S
David W
Jason L
Timothy S
Philip S
Corey ?
9th grade:
Chris H
Mike K
Tyler G
Chris C
Chase V
Mike R
Matt D
Joe S
David W
Andrew S
Ryan A
Nazar K
Justin ?
Philip S.
Nick K.
10th Grade:
Joe S
11th Grade:
David K.
Hunter B.
Chase V.
Jesse W.
Justin P.
Scott B.
Dan S.
Henry L.
Mike R.
Jere L.
Mike D.
Philip S.
Daniel H.
John C.
Mike H.
Clif G.
Walt H.
Ron C.
12th grade:
Scott B.
Mike V.
Tyler C.
Mike H.
Trey S.
Ryan A.
Philip S.
Josh W.
Dear God.