Mar 30, 2005 13:52
+ I have a lot to think about, and I guess with that comes some sort of I painted my brothers room while he was at a friends house. It's not really expression, just something to keep my mind off events that really dont require any thought, such as people who can't grow up and over themselves. It does get twistedly humorous at first, in a "wow, you make me feel so much better about myself for breaking up with you" sort of manner, then at other times I have to realize one point...I was with you, and actually liked you. Ok, let's take a look at this person's priority list: 1. Thinking about boys 2. text messaging exgirlfriends in the middle of the night, ruining her night because his can't possibly be any better (misery loves company) 3. Backing down when confronted, or making low blows because he can't think of anything intelligent to come back with. We all know this: you have a limited brain capacity, only allowing you to reach a climax of maybe 3 comprehendable sentences without the use of a cuss word. Whatever, without you we'd have no reason to feel good about ourseleves. Well, painting my brothers room did prevent me from spilling some processed, superficial guts to some victimized ex-boyfriend of mine, whoever was available for the night. I swear its a new hobby of mine, being needy and confused. That and lipgloss. Enough ranting. I need to complete peter's room.