I like reading my old entries

Apr 09, 2007 03:32

It's interesting to read all the things that I have written in the past.  I thought at first that it would be nice to see how I had changed over the years.  In reality, it looks like I'm exactly the same person I was even two and a half years ago.  The general thoughts I had back then are the same today only applied to current situations.  I also think it's nice that I still talk in the exact same manner as I once did.  It's refreshing to read and completely empathize with everything.  This is only the case with my own old entries whereas I'm not that empathetic when it comes to others.  Thank god that I'm getting very close to graduating.  Two more classes after this semester is over.  The time has passed really quickly and I honestly can't say I know where it has gone.  If my next two years passes as quickly as the last two and so on ad infinitum, I'll be dead before I know it.  Scary thought, that is.  I guess I just have to make sure I enjoy what I do until that time comes and I shall be content.  I sometimes wish that I could live forever so that I can see the future of the world unfold.  There's also the even more selfish desire to live and enjoy yourself in doing so.

In other news, there's currently a little something going on that I'm not willing to divulge directly.  Let's say it involves me and another person and has the potential to go well.  There is of course a little bit of a worry in that, what with the conflicting schedules we keep and such.  We shall see how it goes...I'm past the point of being bothered by small things if they don't work to my advantage.  Good night, faithful reader(s).
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