Vote Ron Paul for President!

Mar 24, 2007 13:12

A rereading of my last post makes it seem cryptic.  This post will not be cryptic in any way.  I am taking the time right now to announce that I have found the candidate whom I shall support for the 2008 presidential cycle.  He's a Republican congressman from Texas and his name is Ron Paul.  He advocates the large cuts to our bloated government that I find not only useful but essential.  He has repeatedly voted against wasteful spending as well as any measures that increase government power or authorize the government to go beyond its constitutional functions.  He voted on principal against the Iraq War and would prefer the issuance of letters of marque and reprisal as a substitute to our current system in the war on terror.  If anyone besides me, Ron Paul and constitutional scholars know what letters of marque and reprisal are, I'll give you a nice treat.  Ron Paul recognizes the uselessness of the UN and advocates true free trade without foolish government management as there is in NAFTA and CAFTA.  The looming Big Brother state scares him just as it scares me.  I personally don't want the government to have all the evil spying powers it is gaining through time.  Ron Paul voted against the Patriot Act and routinely votes against anything that gives the government unenumerated powers.  Even though the establishment hates Ron Paul and will prevent his victory, it is nice that there is actually a candidate that, unlike other candidates, is steadfastly against the increasing power of our government.  I wish we could end the system where people consistently place their problems on the government and expect governmental solutions.  It's a lot better when people take responsibility for their own lives and actions.  I don't think there's any way to stop all the entitlement spending at this point because people love government handouts so much.  At the very least, I hope that the government will not persist in increasing entitlements.  I don't want entitlements from the government and I don't think it's fair that I will have to pay for the entitlements of others for the rest of my life.  It's also very obnoxious how the United States wastes its military attacking other people and building other countries instead of defending our own.  Securing our own borders is much more important than stationing troops all over the world and fighting in wasteful wars that are not constitutionally authorized.  I think I will vote for Ron Paul even if I have to change my party affiliation to vote in the Republican primary.  It's nice that there's at least one candidate who is anti-establishment in the good ways.
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