Jul 31, 2007 13:22

In the middle of the night the radio played a song...which was marvelous and made of pure win because it reminds me of the mid-age~ ♪ (*o*)
Normally I'd listen to the lyrics and lpok for it on the internets BUT this song...is in french and I know nearly to no french at all (All I know is "Bonjour" and "Bonsoir" (T_T;;;; )

Aaa...so if anyone of you know some french and could tell me what does it says...or if you know the song and could tell me it's name, I'd be really thankful and owe you my soul ♥♥♥

Here's the link to the file
It's badly recorded because I had to get up at 3:00AM to do it (>O<;;;;
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