Feb 21, 2008 00:37
everyone's getting on my nerves. well not everyone, but 2 people we know, other randoms.
bri told me 4 times to get my fridge and tv stand out of her room. after every time i told her the same thing: i work, i have no car, i have no where to put them and i have no way to get home, im sorry i cant. so after the last time i snapped and called krahn who thankfully is helping me, but i went on a bit of a tirade and lost my voice screaming about it to my sister. things just went down hill from there.
i've been yelling at matt alot because of his drinking. you love me, im the one, oh but you're drunk. got it, this isn't real huh? i hate myself for going along with this but im too scared to leave because i dont want to lose him for some unknown, stupid reason. the worst part is when i yelled at him tonight for the same shit, he thought i was drunk becuase i was actually speaking my mind. im very sorry for not kissing your ass anymore baby. blah!
some random girl sent me a message on facebook, i'll try to quote it as best as i can:
"hey can you do me a favor? can you stop htting on other people's bf's? ok? thaaanks! :) "
now first hing i think "matt has a new fucking gf?!?!?!!?!" (great anger is trying to be portrayed) so i get upset and immediatly look at all her pictures, worst part, she's ugly as nut (yeah .. as nut) then i realize, shit son, that's jsut kyle's gf's roommate, problem solved. so i thoroughly tell her off, saying he's the one stalking me. i had matt go and tell him to back the fuck off me for g**'s sake ( i gave up saying the lord's name in vain for lent, forgive me lol). so she sent one back telling me im obviously with him if i knew who she was talking about blah bah blah, then imade her feel stupid cause i just looked at her pictures and she obviously likes sucking dick..things of that sort. i didn't say the last part actually, what i really wish i said though is "buy some fucking tweezers, your eyebrows look like a wooly mamouth took a shit on your face". moral of the story is, im cranky and petty drama's getting to me
for this next one you'll have to get a little bit of backround. my bass just cracked from it being so cold in lockers because the door is always propped open to the outside, making the single digit weather all up in the hallway. a crack in mybass is an extremly bad thing, if it gets much wose we have to have a bonfire for it. one in which the firewood cost $10,000. SOOOOOO! i see the door propped open (once again) and i pull it shut, cause im pissed about my bass. this guy was walking in the door next to it and says, "keep that door open, that's how it's supposed to be" and the convo went soemthing like this:
"actually, we can't have this door open it's damaging to alot of things near this entrance"
"i don't care, it needs to stay open" (this is a kid mind you, not an adult or professor)
"oh, is it really that hard for you to lean 4 inches over, grab the door handle and open like every other entrance to a building?"
"okay, well if you want to keep this open can i have 10 grand?"
"no what the fuck are you talking about?"
"this building is called the center for the arts. tha hallway has alot of lockers .. they contain around half a million worth of instruments that can be severly damaged by keeping this door open. so when my bass doesnt play anymore because pricks like you cant open a door themselves, i expect to be paid for it, now fuck off and close the damn door"
why oh why are people dumb :) i realize he was a bro who probably only cares that he forgot to brush his teeth after a hard night drinking till his liver begged for mercy, but i dont fucking care. i hate this school sometimes.
there's other things that happened too..but those were the top 4 reasons why im cranky. all in all, in the past 2 days i've told off a grand total of 7 people. that's pretty damn awesome coming from someone who let's people walk all over her because she can just go back to her room and vent on livejournal.