Jun 12, 2010 12:36
Treme (HBO)
Treme (Truh-may. It's the name of an area in New Orleans) is a drama by David Simon (of The Wire, which you'll definitely be hearing of on this meme) that takes place in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. It follows the stories of several different people. Ironically, I myself have only seen a couple episodes (I wish I was watching it too?), but from what I've seen, it has lots of great characters and music and writing. Plus Lester Freeman and Detective Bunk are in it.
This show isn't under any threat of cancellation as HBO renewed this series right after the pilot. (HBO hearts David Simon)
I download all my TV though, so the more people who watch a show then the easier it is to download.
I myself have missed quite a few episodes, and now when I try to go back and download them, it doesn't go super quickly.
And to specifically point out more people that I want to watch this show, I really would like my family to watch it. My dad loves New Orleans and I think he would really enjoy this show. Also, I'm pretty sure my sister hasn't seen it yet, and she lived in New Orleans (and some of her friends have been on the show).